What the f***?


Are you sure that this reaction is the right one?

imho its a pity that people can overreact like that.
Israel overreacting? thats new
QuoteThe flotilla’s commander, identified only as “Colonel O”, told an Israeli newspaper: “We are an underwater assault force. We’re operating deep and far, very far, from our borders.”

image: aquaman

Colonel O. aka AQUAMAN!
WW3 incoming
middle-east: nuke 'em all, let (their) god sort 'em out
Just surrounding them with a fucking shitload of nuclear shit and threatening "If you do that fucking Jihad thing anymore we're gonna roll u niggas". Probably no need to ever actually launch them (and if they still go Jihad, it's one press of button = end of Jihad = everyone happy). Good call imo.
hopefully they bomb eachother, cba with their wars anymore.
inb4 where is my pipboy
At least WW3 won't be caused by Germany
Don't fuck with us, we nuke u
israel seems pretty similair to germany before wwII. building walls around other ethic groups, hating other ethic groups, having brainwashed population, having alot of guns, thinking the whole world is against them.
what are u laughing at? u r totally acting like them. u even made a highway for jews only, u are just doing the same as southafrica with their apartheid, and being total nazis.
you dont believe any news source except when your gourverment releases a movie claiming their correct handling. you think everyone is against you. Israel must have nice propaganda brainwashing their youth aswell. You even laugh on 9 activists (probably more) getting killed.

Why was the blockade there anyway. Iran cant have nukes but israel is threating to bomb them with a nuke now... You probably even think the palestinian people are all evil and need to be destroyed.
he is brainwashed anyway
Now hes probably gonna say were brainwashed.
well that would be invalid as we are from dif countrys.
really you are brainwashed, dead serious
Arguments? noone. brainwashed by who anyway?

"Haneen Zuabi, a member of the Israeli Knesset who was on the Mavi Marmara, accused Israel of trying to "cause the largest number of fatalities" and said she did not hear any warning"
"I entered the captain's room. He was asked to stop by the Israeli soldiers. He said, 'We are a Turkish ship.' We were 130 miles off. It was 11:30 pm. We saw four Israel vessels, they were at a distance because we were in international waters. At 4:15 am we saw the ships approaching.

"They were dinghies and choppers. At 4:30 am the forces landed quickly. I did not hear any warning from the ships, because noise was coming from the ships and the choppers. Within 10 minutes there were already three bodies. The entire operation took about an hour."

"There was not a single passenger who raised a club. We put on our life vests. There were no clubs or anything of the sort. There were gunshots, I don't know if they were live bullets or not. There were gunshots fired from the ships in our direction.

"A clear message was being sent to us, for us to know that our lives were in danger. We convened that we were not interested in a confrontation. What we saw was five bodies. There were only civilians and there were no weapons. There was a sense that I many not come out of it alive. Israel spoke of a provocation, but there was no provocation."


"They (Israelis) came down from helicopters and threw ropes from inflatable boats, climbing aboard. There was teargas and live ammunition.

"I was steering the ship, we saw them capture another ship in front of us, which was the Turkish passenger vessel with more than 500 people on board and heard shots fired.

"We did not resist at all, we couldn't even if we had wanted to. What could we have done against the commandos who climbed aboard? The only thing some people tried was to delay them from getting to the bridge, forming a human shield. They were fired upon with plastic bullets and were stunned with electric devices.

"There was great mistreatment after our arrest. We were essentially hostages, like animals on the ground.

"They wouldn't let us use the bathroom, wouldn't give us food or water and they took video of us despite international conventions banning this."
that's because she is a woman
he is just right;) as u cant back up u will just pretend that u are trolling?:D
busted :(
brb daily brainwash convention is starting in 2 mins
you just follow your own media, u can say whatever, what u are doing in israel (jews only high ways etc etc etc) its an atempt of apartheid, u dont let them live on their own land, as new comers u shouldnt be doing all this bullshit.

and now starting massive shit against the world?

You should just shut up if u cant see that what u are doing there is just wrong.

Not your fault at all but u should stop defending israel, u are total nazis against gaza. Just need to put em in gas charms and there u are;)
i tried to defend my country's dignity but i failed due to every comment of mine been seen as brainwashed
i'm embarrassed by the actions our israeli army has taken over the years, and infact i'm against every group in facebook or discussion been made to support the army (i despise all my friends for join the "we fully support the navy's actions" since the know shit about what happened there

though, it sometimes seems like you guys only receive one sided information, which is for you the correct and true information

i can't really do anything but stand and get flamed from every memeber in this community for been brainwashed for defending my own country, or to be more precise in the latest actions, the soldier's health, which were attacked brutally and i was just shocked (yet, i despise my army for taking so many retarded actions in that night), as i will be a soldier of the israely army in november

good day
See? Getting ppl into army yes or yes is a brainwash too. The problem is that your country is doing massive shit (seriously u guys quite look like nazis.....) thats why u shouldnt defend them because thats just wrong.

Your army got attacked but thats what u been doing to the arabs non stop.

There is this similar web site in spanish thats liek digg and all the news that are being send today are deaths from palestians, an american girl taht just lost her eye after being hit by a gas nade or somethting etc etc... by the jews. seriously thats world wide media.

Thats really nice that u dont want to support your army, but i wanna see your point of view after u get out from there.
Dude what are you afraid of, dutch gournement has done lots of retarded things whats the problem in additing them.

m8 its all lies m8
i hope your laughing

: ' (
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