vila cb ban?

ehm afaik alexL got banned for a screenshot, so why shouldnt vila be ?
the vila case got even more proofs.

image: hid=3096320
just ban him, kb, no1 would care
imho ban whole team, not only vila or atleast ban mAus
agreed but you should be banned also since team canada was banned for same thing you did,dont you aggre mr.double standards?
agreed \o/
bann Nordan and those other Swedes as well, crouching in AlexL his ass imo, gayness should be punished too
ban whole team, hard to believe they didin't know that vila is hacking
Trying to understand this whole thing is hmm hard. If Vila really made a "good" joke that he thinks this is then ban. Let him proof that he is clean. Why everytime trye to proof that he is not. We have picture of him with wallhack now let him proof that he is clean. I dont care how, but befour he proofs it he will be banned.
Quote by KamzTo summarize, after changing his story (he first said it was zeto's screenshot then realised his name was in yellow), he then said it was taken from demo with his wh on but then realised echo messages don't show in demos and only in game...

he is now saying that the top half of the screenshot, the console was taken from in game and he for some weird reason, opened the demo with a wallhack and took the bottom half and attached the two

He tried to prove, he failed.
First of all, I'd ban that guy who played in EE team @ NC.
cheating is far worse than just playing for another team :S
so? both deserve it.
one deserves a punishment, other an immediate ban. Not quite the same.
ye well sorry, i meant they both deserve(d) a punishment
that i can agree about.
same, but that swedish guy doesn't deserver a ban
we could say team ee deserved a forfeit loss. :p
so why is sIN gaming still playing oc? 3 main lineup players got a ban on cb and they are still reached the oc playoffs :S
i'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say, all i said is that vila should get banned, and estonian national team(or Nordan, either way) should get punished.

about sIN, no problem - we're playing them next, no chance for them. :DD

but seriously, i know they've got cheating players + 3 suspended players and have no clue why they still are allowed to play :(
yep same here, this should be our spot tbh :)
Looks like we will take sins spot and take you on in playoffs <3333
really? what happened? :P

and umm, we challenged them for sunday(6th of june) at 21CET. ok for you guys?
Should be fine, will finalize when im home. Thery had 3 cheaters in the team so the admins gave us the spot since we finished 3rd
what happen?
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