i did a vila!?

holy shit, i am in a hurry, gf`s grandma turning 75 = party, need to leave in 15 min, that happened:

i just took a shower, and i fucking fell back outta the bathtub when showering !!! (since we dont have a real shower anymore in the new house, we are poor you know).

kk, imagine:

me falling back, the douche thing spraying a big huge watersquirt in all imaginable directions, me searching for sth to get a hold, but aint finding sth...
so i slip all the way back and fall outta the tub, trying to get the douche thing, realising that the shower curtain has fallen down (XD), then trying to get back in that shit tub, and then find out, that i just FUCKING STOOD with all weight into a FUCKING IRON HAIRBRUSH with edges and stuff and everything on it, hurting my foot like shit with even a lil wound. now that pissed me off as hell, and i was angry.

....................BUT THEN i thought about me being "as stupid as vila" and i was like "ahaha vila!! :DDDD!" and am in a good mood now again. :))))))))))))))

did i do a vila? or isnt it stupid enough? :D
Cliffs: i thought about me being "as stupid as vila" and i was like "vila!! :DDDD!" and am in a good mood now again
image: brucelee-jccityhunter
why would you have an iron hairbrush anyway? O_o
sisters...... -_-
and i dont know, how that could fall in there. didnt notice it .

ps: i forgot to say that the tub was half full of water (due to old pipe stuff in the house).

and now bb :D
well, enjoy the party!
close, but not quite
nobody can be as stupid as him!
hurting my foot like shit with even a lil wound

image: BigBoyLogo
dunno if it was a vila.. but both stories made me laugh ;p
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