monitors :(

So I came home and tried to open my computer. It started fine, but my screen is dark. I tried to put my other screen in but still nothing happens dark shit all the fucking time. both works on other computer so what I CAN DO so my computer shows me something or something.

plug your monitor in by another method if you can, otherwise startup in failsafe mode.
how I can start in failsafe :(??
jopa mä osaan
no sitä en kyl ihmettele
spamm f10(varies) at startup, arrow down after 30 sec and then enter
Did you move it or anything? Check the wires, it's probably your graphics card that's the problem.

If everythings connected properly, plug it out, open the case up, remove your graphics card clean the dust of it, the fan etc, and put it back in.
Im bad with computers :( so I do not want to remove any parts with myself =D. thx Ill get some hoe to do those things for me or somenerd to fix it :)
reset bios
check the god damn settings how bright it is and contrast etc etc..
your gfx card is fucket
throw some snow inside, lots of around you
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