wond3r and his ls boys cant loose :)


nB won 4:0

but ls and friends cant loose cause of the qoute :

lost^ de 1.52 vs 49.04 de nB|

wond3r acts like a little child an cancelled the match ..like allways its not the first retarded acting of wond3r ..

Thats what i call good admin ..nerd with admin rights on internet fuck yea :)

image: 1274389949001
best admin ever !
Angry nerd didn't get his gbooky money, the drama. If you aren't reponsible for the match organisation, just shut up. Even you aren't able to read admin comments, so you don't have any clue anyway. It's sad you need to create this journal to show how angry you are.

We will talk back later, cya.
i dont care whats posted as admin comment we won in a fair game and ur just a fucking retard that u cancel the match when nB wins ;D

if ls had won u wont canceled that so just stfu *undgehindeinenkellerduhässlichermongoadmin*
Serverlogs will tell, be patient.
i dont care whats posted as admin comment we won in a fair game and ur just a fucking retard that u cancel the match when nB wins ;D

reminds me of the semi finals
u r admin on your own clans match?

and then u cancelled it after ur team lost??

and ur profile says that u r 21 yrs old ???

everything pumu got to say on this case: this is gay
Well, the cup admin (Aggro) didn't have rights to request matches on gamestv, because he acted immature, insulted other users and fucked up some matches in the past. So the admin crew decided to remove his requesting rights. They wanted to play the final with ETTV. That's why I took the management of this match.
You didn't have to : p
Who else? Seems like nobody was able or interested enough to request the final. So I did it easily.
the only shit u did is abusing ur rights for the fucking 123237373273 time :)
Your ban history:

#1: Posting bad links with referrer
#2: Some story again with sexual content
#3: Insulting gtv crew
#4: Fucked up match organisation
#5: Fake account, because your current one was banned

It's kinda easy to comprehend, isn't it?
thats why u have to cancel a match what u have requested <:DDD
Haha, your comments are priceless.
u are priceless watch the match we won thats all stupid nga :D

I know how to request a replay, but thanks anyway. http://www.gamestv.org/live/
Pointing out what he did wrong in the past is not really helping you covering yourself.
Give some reasons why you did it.
Anyone, just wanted to point out you didn't have to do it : - )
Might be true, but ppl asked me to do it :-)
and so u cancel it when ur guys lost the match :DDDDD

Already tried to discuss, point proven that it's just useless. Please leave this area.
u dont tried to discuss :DFDD u just delete the comments @ gtv ...pls die fast
everything pumu got to say on this case: this is gay
Geh ins Bett und kurier dich aus.
gehe ich jetzt auch
wieso bist du noch wach?
Um mich hier köstlich zu amüsieren, weil irgendwelche Leute meinen, dass ihnen e-moneyzzz voll wichtig sind und deswegen sone Welle schieben müssen, du?
fucking rediculous
so what happend to my gbook money?
low nerd
SOUNDS like the most dishonourable act, but guess there's the other side of the coin as well :)
Best comment so far, good night.
and which? that we won and hes a ls member and his mates bet much e net money on thereself :D thats all :)
There's more to this than you can see from the picture :)

Besides, getting banned 5 times over acting immature doesn't really back your claims that well :) Just a random's viewpoint.
im banned cause of perosnnell disagrees ..but as admin he can say oh he posted bad stuff and so on ..

whas ur point cause im banned there he can cancel a played match which my mates have played ?

only cause his mates loosed ? nga pls
Still not knowing the full story :) Might've been cancelled because somebody from nB cheated? I don't really know :)))

And you still won the match, so nothing wrong there :) Perhaps the game results will be accepted soon for the e-monies :)
your insults aren't helping to pove your point of view. (if its the truth or not)
i dont care ^^ only let the world know that hes a retard :)

E: it wouldn help more if i write nothing ^^
if you had checked his gbooky profile you would have seen that he didnt bet on the match.
i sayed on therself i mean the ls team..and again tell me why the match have to bee canceled :) gn8 anyway im tired of these abuse shit
i dont know, i didnt follow the match.
w0nd3r = spast und zwar derbe
go w0nd3r go ! :D
care - ls is always right.
what a sad act, when did everyone became retards?
sir andreas f was playing and you bashed them 4:0?
2 von denen haben dr3ist rausgehauen . . . die nades waren immer sehr nice, kann nur sagen sehr beeindruckendes timing
habs mir beim frühstück einmal angeguckt, gucks mir nacher in ruhe nochmal an.

find ich persönlich höchst hurensöhnlichst und an zweistigkeit kaum zu überbieten.
srsly diese obvious spacken im halbfinale waren eindeutig angenehmer zu spielen . . .
ettv war stellenweise schon verdächtig^^ uberaim und grottiges movement
gief nochmal deine neue festnetznummer per pm. hab den zettel den ich im geländewagen hatte weggeschmissen.
JAJA wir cheaten wie immer :)
w0nder war halt schon immer ein homofürst !
geh wolfenstein spielen, aber dalli! :_D
w0nd3r você peça incompetente merda :DDD
epic nades in there
hacker! domi is the best
domi? who the fuck is domi? moldi is the owner ^^
domi aka sunny ROXX mr. :P
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