Nee, het probleem is dat de VS iemand nodig heeft in die omgeving die niet Arabisch is. Leverage tegen de Arabische landen. Mandela heeft geen ware macht om echt iets te doen. Pas wanneer de VS Israël niet meer nodig heeft (wat niet zo één twee drie zal gebeuren) dan kan er vrede komen. Ik zie dat niet de komende decennia gebeuren.
Nee, maar wij zijn ook niet onze hele geschiedenis achtervolgd door iedereen en van alles. Wij zijn nu ongeveer de derde generatie na de oorlog en hebben sindsdien geen problemen meer met Duitsers (behalve wat voetbal wedstrijden..). Zij zitten er nog dagelijks middenin, onderschat dat niet. Wij beginnen al te ragen tegen Marokkanen wanneer zij iemand in elkaar meppen.
Zij kiezen er(hedendaagse bestaan) dan ook zelf voor en wat de Marokkanen betreft, heeft de VVD helemaal gelijk, eerste 10 jaar van bestaan in Nederland niet betalen, laat ze zich eerst maar zich bewijzen. Kan geen misdaadprogramma kijken met alleen maar blanken.
What fucking difference does it make?
Youre a fucking admin, start behaving one for once and start following the rules.
You're getting worse than killerboy.
Though it clearly states you are not allowed to speak other language rather than english anywhere unless it's stated. I don't really give a fuck though so I kind of don't know why I'm even bothering to write this comment lol.
actually I couldn't care less if someone was doing something legal or not if in the end people die for nothing.
Maybe at some day, when brains down there evolved some more (not only talking about israel but everyone involved in that stupid conflict) people will finally notice you won't solve any problems with pressure, hate or violance. Even most americans achieved that by now, so in some years you will have too :)
hmmm yea you got a point with the vietnam thing... but at least you get the impression that they started to think, at least some of them. ofc there's no way those cowboys from texas will ever understand they cause more problems then they solve with their world police shit :P
this is the first time I'm actually seeing the "weapons" from a close shot, turns out I'm in danger. Because I have those weapons in my kitchen as well...
also notice the CD's on flottia pic, god knows what terrible information might that be in those...
Jews have always been like this. The fact that each one of them has to go to military really shows their aggressiveness.
They are a race with no sympathy. Israel purports to be the only democracy in the middle east, but it's only a democracy for Jews. Non-Jews are not considered equal. There is not another ethnicity on planet earth which can be honestly and truthfully so identifiable as consistently and universally evil.
Further on they are so misleading and so untrustworthy especially after the Jonathan Pollard spy case and other incidents of Israeli Jews spying against their supposed "closest ally".
Jews are a race of inferior savages who have only one thing in mind- enslaving the world’s people or killing them. They are an inferior Neanderthal race of Godless, talentles, beautyless, hook nosed parasites.
Both sides are equally retarded, so-called peace activists provoking a disproportionate reaction from Israel. Please open your eyes and see how the media is capable of distorting your view depending on your social environment. We're all in this shit together.
no wonder people rather tend to dislike jews. if it's not their retarded actions bringing the world up against them, it's their selfhumuliating attempt at justifying the shit they did.
just to be clear i don't dislike jews in general, only religion "and that stuff".
Oh I love how you try to make an example that doesn't even make sense. I'll tell you a better example:
A man sits in his territory. He notices a strange man gets close to his territory. He asks for identity, warns him not to get close to his territory, his property. The strange man continues. The man, who owns the property, gets out of his territory and seeks to know who the stranger is. Without any kind of word, anything, the strange man jumps and brutally hits the man with iron rods and knife.
Your story more likely resembles us breaking into someone's country, someone's property.
I doubt you even bothered to read all the laws mentioned in your pic. That is because you are the ignorant one here. There is a difference between a ship boarding an international water, and a ship that aims to pass the international water into our border. Learn the differences.
Give it a try and explain to me why we shouldn't do anything about a boat on his way to cross the border. They HAVE been warned, and they did not identified themselves at all.
yes but u had no right to invade the ship on international waters. why do u think its such a big thing in media? not because it was normal military operation.
A force cannot wait for a strange object to enter to their border in order to massacre it. They have rights to ask for identity to find out who the fuck is the object. Since there have been no response, soldiers were boarding the ship to find out what is the ship. You have to realize the key sentence here: A force won't risk it's home country and let something strange to pass. It's the ship's fault for nothing giving the right information and allowing us to interact accordingly. It wasn't even attack at all.
You clearly have no clue how an army force should behave. If a force lets an strange and identified objective to pass the border, it's not a force, it's a joke.
lol, what makes you think that? sorry ive been outside with my friends chilling and doing some summer sports rather than trying to explain some ignorant brainwashed turd that the world is not flat.
Why I'm the brainwashed here? I went out too ya know. So that proves I'm not brainwashed?
Plus I gave you every piece of information that Israely Navy boarding the ship is legal(ignore what happened later), yet you refuse anything in a comment "I'm brainwashed"
You are very intelligent Decem.
you didnt even read what you pasted here or then you simply didnt understand. why would u bold anything related to merchant vessels? do u understand that those vessels that u attacked werent merchant vessels? no, you dont. thats why I wont bother continuing this conversation anymore
Oh btw, to finish this conversation, there have been reports of proofs that there were mercenaries who were hired to fight with the Israeli Navy (and taking advantage of the real humanitarian people there)
There are talks with turkey and our defense Office about this. Though, I'm not saying it's true and I find it false too, bu anything happens (especially the fact they found hundreds of cash in the pockets of the "humanitarians" who brutally attacked the soldiers. Don't take this comment serious since I doubt that myself.
I currently don't believe in anything our media shows, but niether what the international media shows. That is because the media is nothing but objective. It's not us who gets brainwashed, it's the entire world.
atlest the endless conversation about this attack and pala going all "AHH MOTHERLAND!!!" was good for something: it reminded me of an old flash animation that i completely forgot about.
die Israëli tards zijn oorlogszuchtig
atleast make a translation
Youre a fucking admin, start behaving one for once and start following the rules.
You're getting worse than killerboy.
idc really, just notice you kinda tend to hijack journals to dutch language lately :p
Maybe at some day, when brains down there evolved some more (not only talking about israel but everyone involved in that stupid conflict) people will finally notice you won't solve any problems with pressure, hate or violance. Even most americans achieved that by now, so in some years you will have too :)
hoping we (UK) dont get dragged in with them :(
they seem to think they are some sort of world police force sent to save the world xD
hmmm yea you got a point with the vietnam thing... but at least you get the impression that they started to think, at least some of them. ofc there's no way those cowboys from texas will ever understand they cause more problems then they solve with their world police shit :P
also notice the CD's on flottia pic, god knows what terrible information might that be in those...
They are a race with no sympathy. Israel purports to be the only democracy in the middle east, but it's only a democracy for Jews. Non-Jews are not considered equal. There is not another ethnicity on planet earth which can be honestly and truthfully so identifiable as consistently and universally evil.
Further on they are so misleading and so untrustworthy especially after the Jonathan Pollard spy case and other incidents of Israeli Jews spying against their supposed "closest ally".
Jews are a race of inferior savages who have only one thing in mind- enslaving the world’s people or killing them. They are an inferior Neanderthal race of Godless, talentles, beautyless, hook nosed parasites.
The people of the wold need to stand togther and forget their differences otherwise our future children will be born into slavery.
e. okay u said extremists :P
just to be clear i don't dislike jews in general, only religion "and that stuff".
and when I do, remember not to do anything about it.
A man sits in his territory. He notices a strange man gets close to his territory. He asks for identity, warns him not to get close to his territory, his property. The strange man continues. The man, who owns the property, gets out of his territory and seeks to know who the stranger is. Without any kind of word, anything, the strange man jumps and brutally hits the man with iron rods and knife.
Your story more likely resembles us breaking into someone's country, someone's property.
It's like the USA invading Irak without consent from the UN.. that shit just ain't right.
ignorance is bliss, enjoy it.
Plus I gave you every piece of information that Israely Navy boarding the ship is legal(ignore what happened later), yet you refuse anything in a comment "I'm brainwashed"
You are very intelligent Decem.
There are talks with turkey and our defense Office about this. Though, I'm not saying it's true and I find it false too, bu anything happens (especially the fact they found hundreds of cash in the pockets of the "humanitarians" who brutally attacked the soldiers. Don't take this comment serious since I doubt that myself.
same with israel soldiers shooting from the chopper before the crew attacked.
thanks pala