#KKpelit vs. med+ = ??

Hello Crossfire, it is again time for my monthly journal!

Last night we were searching the last 3on3 before going to sleep. The #3on3.et was dead silent, but finally one
brave player showed up.

(00:13:31) (speedo) 3v3 med/med+ hs

DAMN! As many of you may know, #KKpelit is nowhere near of medskill and seriously far, far away of med+.
Another drawback was to notice that they were infamous Poland polaks. We couldn't find any
other opponent because of the late time in the evening, so we had to pick up them. We felt quite gloomy about
the upcoming match result even we weren't in the server yet! And when we got in, THIRD relapse stroke on us.
WTF seriously, who wants to play allied side Special Delivery against med+ polaks after midnight? Not me, to be honest.

Anyway, we bravely RUP'ed ourselves and here is the match result: http://juhazz.wippiespace.com/kuvat/med+.jpg

After the absurd 2 minutes 26 seconds, I think I haven't heard #KKpelit ventrilo channel ever to crack up as hard.
WTF seriously, during my ET career of six years, I haven't ever seen as bad "med+'s" as last night. They couldn't even
capture the flag nor plant either side walls during our defence!

Alongside with speedo, there was playing guys named KeNNeL and ounejdz. If you search the last mate for your mix or clan,
avoid these guys as good as possible. They're low/low+ max.

This journal is written by KKpelit! MIETTINE, i just published it.

Btw if you wonder why we didnt play second map, it's becouse enemy left the server after first map, too big ego or something.

Ty all, #KKpelit
You can try to challenge KRP's med+/high team now!
nerds playing at summer? :XD
Yes nerds are playing on summer, im not playing as you can see I said "KRP's med+/high team" and I'm lowskill so I'm not playing in that team :)
Okay then , although I saw you seeking medium plus one day , hopefully you are not cheating again :)

Cheaters are online after midnight.

c00l s0ry br0.
Why do you apologize ? And if you do so, try to spell it correct.
What the fuck is your problem :o?
Lal, never tought a troll could be that misunderstanded :<
You are not the right person to pick on others' English.
You can't recover. No matter how hard you try to convince you were trolling. Because you weren't.
Dude I was ... I wouldn't be so dumb to not know he ment "Cool story bro".
My point stays valid.
Says the guy who acted like he's uber trolling me, then suddenly the conversation disappears when he noticed he actually failed.

What was it about?
My manners, because I trolled you hard with nobrain.dk
Oh right. Posting shit like that is very immature and and should reward you a ban or a warning.

e: And it wasn't trolling.
And I did not fail anyhow. As far as I remember I deleted my replies as I couldn't be arsed to fight with an idiot like yourself and in a hope that some other would step into the trap and address you with the flame you deserve.
Imo you're the guy not wanting to hear your mistake :
Please go on. Could you remind me of the mistake, please. Because I sure as hell don't remember any.
Telling me I was certainly not trolling.
It wasn't about that....
About what then lal, imo there is only 1 factor here : The fact if I was trolling or not.
That was not what I was getting at in the first place.
Lal, then where were you getting at ?
You picking on others' English.
That was just the troll. You don't quite get it. I knew" sory"was meant to be" story". So I trolled a lil' by asking him why he apologises, cuz if he does so ( what he didn't do ) there should have stood " sorry " instead of " sory ". I'm not picking on his english, just having a laugh. I hope you quite get it now :) Let's just see it as a misunderstanding.
I don't mean this case specifically. - First I baited you and thought you would've get an "oh, rite" -feeling later on but it seems you are hard-headed enough to miss my point. And so it all went for nothing.
QuoteCountry: FI

Don't pick on my english please.
Because it's your native language and all?
If I'm right, I'm belgian, but nvm. Don't be serious about 1 little spelling mistake I made when I'm simply "laughing" at a little spelling mistake where you could make some fun of.
English isn't an official language in Belgium. Are you still saying it is your native language? I'm just bewildered.
Did I ever said it's my native language ? But hey, you're prolly trolling again and stuff.
Piegie on 02/06/10, 18:45:40 PM | Reply

Quote Country: FI

Don't pick on my english please.

rapBeSrry on 02/06/10, 18:46:34 Del | Edit | Reply

Because it's your native language and all?

Piegie on 02/06/10, 18:49:49 PM | Reply

If I'm right, I'm belgian

e: misunderstood
wow, i am pretty sure something like this happened to ET for the very first time :o
this was the FIRST time something like this happens, if you cant proof enything else then gtfo
tbh i've never seen such a med+ polaks who are so shit in delivery, normally its their homemap and cant play anything else
are you looking for sympathy? I'm just better, sorry :p
can't be true
ego... at least u didnt play against highskilled wakizashi
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey pappiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
cool story bro
Stopped reading @

QuoteHello Crossfire, it is again time for my monthly journal!

lol what a noob...
even though you learned yesterday things about menstrual cycle, this is not (as far as i know) about it..
I would say retarded :DDD
as long as you cant depict yourself more precisely, you are good to go!
from low plus to med+ are all med+ these days
Stopped reading this ego journal after I saw Special Delivery.
it is just a warning to make people avoid (these) stupid polaks...

not a egopost like yours
Well done.
like your g'night journal?
Nice changing the topic and digging.
you think your stupid oneliner is more worth journal than immersed review about match against Poland'ks?
I never said anything like that. But as as the matter of fact, I do think this journal is quite useless as there's always someone searching opponent out of their league. It really isn't anything new. This journal is funny only because it shows your prejudice of towards Polish people. The joke is on you.
Someone here is assuming that journals need to make sense of any kind?
Why did you use a questionmark after a normal sentence? I am not assuming anything.
I used a question mark after my sentence to imply that I am not sure of it, therefore making it a valid question. Also if you're not assuming that journals need to make sense, I quite cannot understand the fact why you say this:
"Journalworthy. "
in a sarcastic manner, implying that it is not worth to be a journal. Enlighten me.
The structure of your phrase makes it a non-question. You can easily understand, I suppouse, the reason I ironically called this journalworthy if you read my second reply.
"Nice changing the topic and digging. "

"Is someone assuming that...?"
"Someone is assmung that...?"

are both valid phrase structures for questions. However, the second structure, which is the one I used, is not asking for the fact directly, rather for a validation of the assumption which the question makes.
:OOOOO What did you realise now?
I realized you are trying to seem intelligent whilst completely humiliating yourself and destroying every little bit of respect I still had for you.
Please explain. How can you notice all that by looking at one clause of mine? I am not here to gain e-fame or popularity. People may not know the reason behind my flame and hatred for you but that's alright. I am just being a prick repeating the same shit over and over again untill people like you get tired of it and/or admit their mistake etc.
Explain? Easy. You still didn't explain to me why this journal isn't journalworthy (except if "you changed the topic" in response to another comment is the explanation...)

Your while comment screams "/wrist". Also you're probably deleting your first comment in about 15 minutes anyway because you realize you're making a complete idiot out of yourself.
I make idiots out of anyone.

And How the hel did you miss this: I do think this journal is quite useless as there's always someone searching opponent out of their league. It really isn't anything new.
That definitely answers my sarcastic question meant to tell you that journals don't need to make any sense.

"Someone here is assuming that journals need to make sense of any kind?"
"I do think this journal is quite useless as there's always someone searching opponent out of their league. It really isn't anything new."

It's not even fun to flame you, it's like beating up an infant child
So you usually enjoy flaming other people? You got problems.

Not making sense and being useless aren't the same, nazi with problems.
Are you implying that journals need to have a use? There's rarely ever a journal that does. Also funny how you have nothing else to turn to and insult my nationality as a nazi merely because of my german IP while actually I am a person from Poland.
Being funny is a use, you dummy.

inb4 your journal is not fun.

Get aids and die in a carfire.
You don't seem all so intelligent and mature and mannerful anymore.
Because I don't feel like exchanging great thoughts with you because that would be a waste.
Someone should teach you some manners.
Says the one who posted a link to nobrain.dk.
How would you feel if I deleted my post and your time would have been wasted?
Actually I'm rendering a video right now and what I'm doing on crossfire is just to let time pass, so sorry to disappoint you but you would actually prove me right :D trolled hard
That isn't trolling. If I rendered I perhaps would do something else than sit in front of my computer.
if my sight nerves could scream help, there would be insane chaos inside my head. your sense of humour (or the extreme lack of it) is just too disgusting

Stupid people always give me great laughs.

inb4 shit about me and mirrors
so you are actually laughing to yourself?

"inb4 stupid explanation about nothing"
i liked my dynamite kill vs you last night ^_^
hm...what happened? :P
That's music to my... eyes?
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