heyho crossie$!

What ya doing? I helped at the Garden , make some hole larger , now Im currently eating some Bacon Balls with the name "Big Balls" (might be interesting for Netherlandsoverboost)

image: kw2210_do_32_1x1

theyre quite tasty. indeed.

+ listening to http://www.trancebase.fm/wmplayer/ :PPPP

Someone of you eating something right now? If yes , what? :D

cu :*
so you helped at garden to make a hole larger
[ger] joa um nen großen baum irgendwo einzupflanzen.[/ger]
and then you licked big balls?
and then were the big balls too big for your mouth
chocolate salty balls?
Haha. Ich kann dir mal dein Loch larger machen du Spast.
Member For: 9 months and 4 days
Fuck yea. Tasty big balls.
hrrr i knew you would like it! Your the reason why I created the journal , other noobs dont get my irony!
no u mr.sauna! x)
What do you want from me? :D
so lang du dir net wieder mit kleber irgendwelche körperöffnungen zu klebst, bin ich beruhigt!
habe ich das jemals?
okay :D
i ate two sandwiches with much salad on it
image: 30503_10150190912460317_745285316_12751856_2380336_n

NAO is everythan clear!
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