
oh yeah, be prepared butchji cuz im gonna steeel your tit-le
yeaa that will work
Nothing that costs 5 bucks 5,63 can work
he-he nice1,

but guess its hard to aim fast?
too small fov
too big muzzle flash

otherwise its good
touchscreen monitor + ET
Quote- Perfect for using in constrained areas (airplanes, trains and buses).

but.. isn't a touchpad even better? Unless you take your entire pc in the train or bus :D

image: The%20Mobile%20Computer%20Education%20Bus
wouldnt mind a few of those crts though
after 2 wars your fingers will hurt tbh
It's a neat idea, but it's too cheap, so it's probably useless. I expect you could make a quality product with a similar concept, though. Would be neat if it was wireless too.

Useless for gaming anyway, ofc, but handy for using a mouse while travelling if you don't like touchpads. I don't have a problem with them myself, but I know some people (my housemate, my colleague at work, for example) hate them.
Cool Ring-Style Fingertip USB Optical Mouse

must have one!!!11
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