Windows 7 Resolution problem


I just installed Windows 7 on my pc and downloaded ET 'n stuff,
but now when I exec my config its like a very small ET Screen with a black square around it.

When I pick some resolution by ESC -> SYSTEM its not givin some black square, but just 2 black bars @ left & right, so still a small ET Screen.

When I change the resolution in my config by costumresolution, it always stays on the same resolution (doesnt matter what value) and still 2 black bars @ Left 'nd right + some bar beneath my ET screen, with my desktop :s

Is there anyone with the same problem / someone who knows how to fix this?

thx in advance
you possibly have an incorrect setting in your config, could be refresh rate or something like that which is stopping it from executing the command you want.
needs a windows 7 problem forum imo.
display settings (on the monitor) not win7 imo....
R_customaspect 1
R_fullscreen 1
R_Mode -1
random resolution values
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_customwidth "1280"
seta r_customheight "720"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_mode "-1" have it lke this :/
u need /r_mode -1 with custom resolution.
yea ive got -1
its the scaling which is the main problem.. you should try setting the custom values to ur default windows resolution or try to fix it in ur 3d drivers settings.
actually you dont, you just need r_customaspect "1" then customwidth/height overrides r_mode
never used r_customaspect 1 :P
seta r_displayRefresh 85
it is on it
try r_mode "6" instead of -1.

but it should work with this settings for sure :S

seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_customwidth "1280"
seta r_customheight "720"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_displayrefresh "85"
seta r_mode "-1"
I have got my settings like that :/
And when I put it on r_mode 6 its liek I have an PSP screen, that small.
r_mode 7 looks more like it but when I put the left and right bar together its half of my screen just black. Sucks while playin >.<
make sure you've got the right drivers for your hardware / windows 7
r_mode 6 is like that for me too with my windows resolution @ 1920x1080 but then I press alt + enter and it goes full :?
I would want to know why the fuck do you use a 4:3 resolution on a 16:9 monitor?

Enjoy your stretching.
btw, my screen resolution is 1600 x 900
did you actually download drivers for your gfx card and monitor before you tried the game? :}
the black bars are a setting in your video drivers
display settings (on the monitor) not win7 imo....
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