Dumb terrorists didn't turn off the camera

whahaha, peace piece of shits
Zionists are piece of shits / dumb, though, so does the terrorists in the Marmara ship.
Man, look at the video, you either are blind or you don't want to see it. That video is pretty fake to me, the width of the ship reminds me of a kayak, not a cruise ship. Check the sea starting from 5.00AM, is a job of a quite bad professional, looks more amateur than the film effects from 50s..
It's a security camera, stop making excuses.
How can you claim it's a security camera? how can you know it hasn't been prepared? it looks quite like a bad theatre for me! the last 10 videotapes of bin laden are prepared and made by the CIA, they are quite convincing, still they are fake.
Alright, assuming it's fake, what do you think about the behavior of the people shown in the video?
You are the terrorists in Middle East!
just give it a fucking rest! this shit really is starting to annoy me
I don't care. I won't give it a rest until people in the world will now the truth.
All they see is Israel using unneccisary force all the time. Sure it's justifieable but to what cost????????????

People defending themselves against the army with sticks and stones compared to what you guys have. And all this about a 30mile strip of land? What's it made of, gold? ...

I think you're all just like little kids scrapping in school over a stolen pencil or something equally stupid. Grow the fuck up it's getting REDICOULES!
Defense from what? Do you call lynching soldiers, stabbing them, breaking bones as defense, while we didn't even raise a hand on them?
You boarded their ship with full gear, how the fuck do you think they would react, piss themselves and start crying? I would have been fighting for my life aswell, just imagine the scenario.. People do crazy things when they are scared..
We boarded their ship with Paintball guns. See, another victim of lack of information and real facts.
Did you tell them that?
You do know they received warnings? And the paintball guns are actually quite obvious. We fucking got attacked before even boarding the ship, they were preparing for assault before the army even showed up. Start realizing the truth, they weren't surprised.
and now your so angry you wanna go out and murder some ragheads or what? You see where this shit is leading too, you nerds are stressing the whole world over some childish grudges. It's bullshit, noone needs this shit in their life. I feel so sorry for all the INNOCENT people that have lost their homes due tue airstrikes and other things. Ever thought about them?
You know between that in 2000 our towns were striked daily with selfkill bombs? You know the terror we suffered? Ever though of how many people were killed daily? Do you know, that for 4 years, Hamass are launching fire missles at Ashdod and other cities daily? Do you know really know why we don't finish the terror organization for good? That is because, you don't know.
I'm actually not that biased as your brainwashed to believe. When I say innocent, I don't just mean your "enemies". And I think the real reason you didn't "finish" all the terrorists is because you would start a war witht he west for mass genocide. Noone likes Israeli politics in the west and for good reason, you're just a bunch of terrorists yourselves, only you guys have better weapons. I don't wish anyone to die but you're like a school bully with low self esteem, eventually someone will stand up and shut you down. I just hope you all calm the fuck down before it comes to that.
It's a simple reason, Hamass is hiding behind the innocents. We happen to kill Innocent Palestinians, not because we hate, but because some of our operation to destroy Hamass operatives fails and hits real Palestinians. I'll tell you the real truth, they are hiding behind the Palestinians.
Ever thought that the reason for that might be the lack of fancy military structures that you guys have? Also what's really obvious is the fact that gaza is densly populated so where else could they go? I don't get the logic here...
You are naive, stay that way.
Fine but it's the truth.
One day you will find out.
i bet they were just ready to defend themselves. srsly, terrorists having such a weapons? a fucking wooden stick =DD
OMG they got slingshots
those terrorists are badasses nowdays!
by far the best part of that video. i can really picture those israeli soldiers shivering in fear when they saw those slingshots. EPIC AS FUCK
You do know soldiers got knifed in the back and broke bones all over their bodies, while they were carrying paintball guns?
as stupid as they may be, calling them terrists is :D:D:D
I don't think propaganda belongs on crossfire.
Indeed, seen fake camera security of terrorists preparing to assault and injury soldiers with paintballs.
Seriously, it's annoying :(
I don't give a fuck who's fault it was this time, it will never stop.
I'm sorry, but people just need to know the truth.
i wonder how the "world's best and most modern commandos" manage to lose their weapons to group of sandniggers with broken bottles and woodsticks and end up shooting 19 people.
Because they were waiting for them, while soldiers were only going down to receive information about the ship.
slingshots.. how agressive
some1 ban this stupid jew
QuoteThe first two (Dolphin and Leviathan) were donated by Germany, the third (Tekumah) was purchased by Israel. The first two were delivered in 1997 and the third in 1999. During the first Gulf War, German firms were accused of helping Iraq with its chemical weapons program, which led to protests in both Germany and Israel. To calm Israeli concerns, compensate Israel for economic losses and keep German shipyards occupied,[2] then Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl decided to donate the two submarines.[3] The Dolphins have replaced the aging Gal class submarines, which had served in the Israeli navy since the late-1970's.

Israel needs American submarine to stop these terrorists : I

your barrier around gaza isnt covered by any international law. its illegal but you dont give a shit
your wall/barrier around the west jordan land isnt coverd by any international law. its illegal but you dont give a shit
you settle down on non israelian territory with no permission or allowance by any international law. its illegal but you dont give a shit
your secret service kills people in the public. which is illegal but you dont give a shit
you got and share atom weapons without any allowance, nor ur part of nuclear non-proliferation treaty

but U are the victims and everybody is a asshole who doesnt lick ur hairy asses and say something against you and ur evil policy which u always claim to be just self defensive.

srsly you want to force everybody to do what you want, but you do whatever you want and if somebody is forcing something from you its like BUAHAHAHA WE ARE THE VICTIMS BUAHAHAHA go fuck yourself and ur selfish ignorance and intolerance! go to mars and fuck with some red sand
I guess you are right.
can someone nuke the middle east and get control of the oil?? pretty pls?
Jews have always been like this. The fact that each one of them has to go to military really shows their aggressiveness.

They are a race with no sympathy. Israel purports to be the only democracy in the middle east, but it's only a democracy for Jews. Non-Jews are not considered equal. There is not another ethnicity on planet earth which can be honestly and truthfully so identifiable as consistently and universally evil.

Further on they are so misleading and so untrustworthy especially after the Jonathan Pollard spy case and other incidents of Israeli Jews spying against their supposed "closest ally".

Jews are a race of inferior savages who have only one thing in mind- enslaving the world’s people or killing them. They are an inferior Neanderthal race of Godless, talentles, beautyless, hook nosed parasites.
and how ironic is this that a muslim is saying that, isn't it?
I don't know :O why don't you tell me fellow muslim.

Oh wait
and you are full of knowledge cause you are studying about them and live in there?
Yep just like you studied a lot of Slovenian shit but in your case you forgotten your own religion which made you ending up eating pig and so on ;)))
so tell me, what do you know about religion?
I know a lot :)
of course you do and you know all the things about me. just like with anystuff. ;)
Didn't know I knew all things, well perhaps in Slovenia I would be known as allknowing or what ever you're trying to say. But not in West Europe baby, not in west europe.
Ye eating pig makes him pretty bad.

Gotta love simple minded religious people.
Well first of all you don't know the situation. In Bosnia where this dude comes from people are really disrespecting muslims who go on Christianity. Eating pork is a big haram in Islam so therefor it's really fucked up.

So if you think it's simple minded better then again since you're the one with the tiny brain who can't see a difference between a car and the sky.
And your ancestors were christians hundreds of years ago, where's your point?

There may have been a time when eating pig was considered unhealthy and that's why they put that "haram" or w/e into the Quran. Not because your "god" told them, but because your "prophet" thought about it as unhealthy. Face it. Nowadays it's plain ridiculous.

I'm off to bed now.
Whats your point?
Religion is an archaic thing for naive people. That's my point.
I think most of this hate you have towards religion is mainly because you have lost all hope in your own. Religion is beautiful to some level yes but still if you hate it why the hell take try to take the joy from some people?
Because religion has been the cause of hatred and wars for thousands of years. I don't need any supernatural things to sort my life out, I believe in myself and my kin and that's enough for me.
im fucking badass
ITT: jews vs people that aren't indoctrinated
Let me make my opinion about you very clear:

You're a brainwashed kid who doesn't want to see the truth, you only look at the propaganda of your jewcountry and forget to look at the obvious facts.

Just like you only want to see the bad side of Israel in this conflict.
I don't. The activists might have resisted, but that doesn't justify all those deaths. He's doing exactly that.
cant believe how fucking brainwashed the jews are :DD
needs a nuke
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