USA: Shut Down BP!

Here's what I would do:

- Declare all BP assets as seized
- Freeze all bank accounts
- Use confiscated funds to pay for as much as the damage as possible, including compensation for affected fishers, residents, etc.
- Should any funds remain (doubtful) pay into fund for future ecologic disasters
- Disband BP
wut? no bpmode anymore?
:( AP sucks man fu noob
and that's why you don't make important decisions.
for "attempted genocide" this is rather mild.
i wouldn't call it attempted genocide. But more like 'neglectful genocide' even tho genocide doesn't rly apply
The stylistic device, in both posting and my reply, is exxageration. It's only menat to provocate.

However, I *am* mad.
:) It's pretty ridiculous how little pressure is being applied to BP i have to say....
indeed. But I'm not really surprised. Economy is much more important than Ecology :/
nice argument! now go back to your work as a cleaner
Here's what i would do:

-call Linka
-call Kwame
-call Gi
-call Mati
-call Wheeler
-Summon Captain Planet !!1

image: captain-planet-tom-cruise-ted-turner
Captain Planet can fly yes, and he supports recycling, he double pwns aang the 10 year old prostitute fag that paints blue penises on his bald head.

they aren't real. :X
dont u dare....
You should concentrate on helping Autobots - watched Transformers sequel last night. :)

image: oil-solution
They better gimme all their 1:50 when they quit :DD
And pay the thousands and thousands of BP employees and those of their subgroups.

I would let cars run on ocean water so when ocean water spills into the ocean noone panics.
nuke usa !!!
And I heard 'em say, nothin ever promised tomorrow today.
From the Chi, like Tim its the Hard-a-way,
So this is in the name of love, like Robert says
Before you ask me to get a job today, can I at least get a raise on a minimum wage?
And I know the government administered AIDS,
So I guess we just pray like the minister say,
Allah o Akbar and throw em some hot cars,
Things we see on the screen are not ours,
But these niggas from the hood so these dreams not far,
Where im from, the dope boys is the rock stars,
But they can't cop cars without seein' cop cars,
I guess they want us all behind bars.
I know it.
yes because the USA has the rights to freeze the bank accounts and assets of a UK company
Exactly what I was gonna post.

Also, BP is a huge company. It has revenues of over 200 billion dollars a year - if you shut it down, you're going to cut the jobs of a hundred thousand people, reduce global tax income by probably something like 10 billion dollars, and completely trash the pensions and savings of those who have their funds invested in 'safe' options like giant oil companies. And that's just scratching the surface.

Sure, levy massive fines to compensate for the damage, but shutting the company down when they're so much more valuable as an operating business is crazy.
It's not like countries haven't nationalized company's before...(would only go for all US operations obv.) Not that im saying it's an actual option, since it would spark a global crisis of immense proportions but still its a possibility! :)
this would not put the world into a new recession. great thinking keynes
totally stupid idea
Also (in addition to my comment above) lmfao @ the idea that all of BPs assets, liquidised, would not be able to pay to clean up the spill. The company's worth a hundred billion dollars. The cost so far is estimated at only a few percent of that.
The consequential charges are a hundred times more. But this is usually never taken into account.
BP made 14 billions last year , the cost caused by the "accident" so far are 1 billion :3

but yeah the value of the bp shares are dropping + image loss
Profits aren't assets. The company is valued at around 80 billion dollars, even after the share price drops.
Are you gonna disband every company that leaked/leaks oil or waste/garbage into the sea too? Fine them yes, disband obviously no lol.
This is why crossfire is, and always will be a GAMING community :p
disband bp

whine about oil prices going up
Things don't happen by accident.
brb telling obama to check cf for assistance
Every suggestion you made is cash negative. Clearly you previous job was chief exec of HBOS.
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