Graffiti #2

My first one:
image: foto0114m

My second one:
image: foto0158w

What do you think is it better now ?

first 1 is better but nothink special

what is that shit

brb laughing x)
Well you know im not doing graffittis but I got many mates who can do 20 times better with their eyes closed when they are drunk :D Id advice you to quit doing that, you dont haz the talent :,)
hmmz i dont think that any "mates" how u call it can do that in the internet ?

if u dont get it with ur kiddybrain, u got no friends !
Does it make you feel good telling other people that you know guys that can do everything better?
well this shit what he is doing is just... unbelievably shit

I don't even care about grafitti or know him but your attitude just fucking annoys the shit out of me. He said it was his first. Do you honestly think there are people that learned this shit over night?
When i read all the comments, I see im the only one who thinks like this... :D?

I guess ill have to go and take some photos of my mates first graffittis, then you can compare them and i can proove your wrong as you obviously know shit about these things ;;)
It's because there's allot of narrow minded egotistical fucks like you on cf. All I was saying is that this shit takes time to develop but I guess your too stupid to see that. Just flaming people because they aren't as skilled as your friends is just pathetic and shows how limited your brain must be if you take pride in others accomplishments while, at the same time, not have accomplished anything by yourself.. You're a pathetic nerd.
he got u there haha
+1, you just couldn't write it better

make an acid graffiti next time :D
there are fucking many acid graffiti's here in Duisburg ;XD
looks a bit sloppy but guess u need more experience first :P
ofc i need :)), but im working on it ;D
:D work on your letters, just try to make a compact throwie
maybe practice on a hall of fame

keep it simple when you start :D
yaa we got smth like that here but im a little bit scared to go there if i spray there and the police see my name they pick me up :p
nah they won't + you don't commit any crime, unless you tell it is you they got nothing on you :D
ps on the dots; first do your fill before you do outline :D and maybe add some highlights to make it pop off more
zozozo bob
ya i know that allready with the fill in and something did it there but i didnt knew which caps are good and which not so, ill go to this hall of fame :P
thx for ur tips :))
send me pic when your done :D
je bent gewoon een speler!
This is true art. Clearly a sincere representation of your innermost personality and a manifestation of emotion, lust and love, hatred and haste, sanity and sadness. You barely ever see an artwork that so directly speaks to you like yours does. I am compelled to say that this is one of the best and most beautiful graffitis that I have ever laid eyes on. Thank you for letting us be part of this fine piece of art.

j/k, you're pathetic, lulz.
you deserve atleast one reply

geh nochma üben!
brb calling the police
Both really bad ;|
Bin ich der einzige der findet, dass da nur ne sauerei ist?
Das ist Sachbeschädigung und dann siehts auch noch kacke aus...
das is kein graffiti, das sind druckbuchstaben mit schwarzer umrandung -.-
image: loomit
oldschool :D
wow bad boy
geh nochmal üben!!!

btw nimm mal skinny caps für die DICKEN Sterne :DDD
image: 428659

that was done outside our uni while i was there, i liked it!
yes indeed i bet it takes long time ^^
both really ugly !
Alter lern halt mal erst Balkensystem bevor du an die wand gehst :D
kann dir gern paar tips geben :o
Grab a bucket and repaint that wall because that looks like complete shit.
image: grafitti-examples1
image: 493715892_05509c6f23
you aren't even wearing a mask to save your health - gg noob
no offence but that shit is fuck ugly
just saw the video hahahahahahahhahahahaha
god i hate you fuggin writer retards.
if you gonna paint something do it on paper so ppl who dont wanna see your ugly shit arent forced to do so.

and wtf that you proud of this shit and make a vid is just hilarious

Edit: The video , epic.
go whine somewhere else...
You cant be a tagger with the name maurice, it doesnt work.
laughed my ass off at 1:20 =))
This is true art. Clearly a sincere representation of your innermost personality and a manifestation of emotion, lust and love, hatred and haste, sanity and sadness. You barely ever see an artwork that so directly speaks to you like yours does. I am compelled to say that this is one of the best and most beautiful graffitis that I have ever laid eyes on. Thank you for letting us be part of this fine piece of art.

j/k, you're pathetic, lulz.
fucking idiots

i mean i kinda like some really skilled and pretty grafs @ old walls, cause its making them better, but when I see some shit like "fuck the police" @ new painted building, i wanna kill all fucktards who have ever got spray in their hands.

just gtfo

image: foto0158w

wtf is this shit seriously, this is what im talking about. jesus
but when he do it good ok but he need to practice first @ legal thingies etc this is shit man:XD

wie low is das den?
zeichen doch zuerst aufn blatt, so hab ick auch angefangen!

btw die inlines ziehst du zu langsam! und hast damit jede menge Farbverschwendung.

Aber gut auch ich habe mal klein angefangen.....
real G's put their tag allover their hood to show other niegguhz its their territory
come to berlin and see what u should change :)
image: zdjecie,pelne,77455,akcja-kibicow-malujemy-zaglebie-dabrowskie

looks not so really good tbh but oke;D
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