Graffiti #2
3 Jun 2010, 11:20
My first one:
My second one:
What do you think is it better now ?
My second one:
What do you think is it better now ?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
what is that shit
brb laughing x)
Whats is that shit
brb laughing x)
if u dont get it with ur kiddybrain, u got no friends !
I guess ill have to go and take some photos of my mates first graffittis, then you can compare them and i can proove your wrong as you obviously know shit about these things ;;)
make an acid graffiti next time :D
maybe practice on a hall of fame
keep it simple when you start :D
ps on the dots; first do your fill before you do outline :D and maybe add some highlights to make it pop off more
thx for ur tips :))
j/k, you're pathetic, lulz.
geh nochma üben!
Das ist Sachbeschädigung und dann siehts auch noch kacke aus...
btw nimm mal skinny caps für die DICKEN Sterne :DDD
that was done outside our uni while i was there, i liked it!
kann dir gern paar tips geben :o
you aren't even wearing a mask to save your health - gg noob
if you gonna paint something do it on paper so ppl who dont wanna see your ugly shit arent forced to do so.
and wtf that you proud of this shit and make a vid is just hilarious
Edit: The video , epic.
j/k, you're pathetic, lulz.
i mean i kinda like some really skilled and pretty grafs @ old walls, cause its making them better, but when I see some shit like "fuck the police" @ new painted building, i wanna kill all fucktards who have ever got spray in their hands.
just gtfo
wtf is this shit seriously, this is what im talking about. jesus
wie low is das den?
zeichen doch zuerst aufn blatt, so hab ick auch angefangen!
btw die inlines ziehst du zu langsam! und hast damit jede menge Farbverschwendung.
Aber gut auch ich habe mal klein angefangen.....