Star Wars:Empire at War

I just found my copy of game in my desk and I decided to install it again to roll some rebel scum. Any of you guys played this cool strategy game placed in universe of Star Wars? :)
i am glad you rolled the rebel scum
am i the only one posting?
this website became really slow, i do not like it

zo kalm
i sat in the sun today, it burned like real good
hans why do you pretend to be a german, already enough germans
i have some diamond hanging infront of my balcony window, it produces rainbows on my room
i think the capitals in my name makes it looks really messy
i start sentences with i allot, am i egocentric?
c-c-c-c-combo braker
i break chains and post "c-c-c-c-combo breaker" because i think it makes me funny

e: posted it before read what gene clown posted
hihi something beautiful happened here
gene clown :D well, people violate "clon" on "clown" often, but gene is original, so +1 for you despite you were slower with ccccccombo braker :)
some people violate the word breaker
Quotewith ccccccombo braker
some people write faster then think :)
some people don't know the difference between than and then
damn,shouldnt have edit :XD
le fu :D
u went to pee
hey ironic, nice to see you here
i love star wars
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