I see everything is normal here...

I was 4 months inactive and now my school ended and I'm jobless so I have again time to play with my lovely KRP mates

Yesterday was my first game after my 4 months inactive perioid and I said to my mates "LoL guys I will get raped so bad but I trust you roll so hard that we will still win"

And we started to play and WATAFAK???


You fucking lowbobs still cant play? Plz KRP is best no doubt!

Whole KRP should be inactive 4 years and make comeback and I bet even after 4 years inactivity we would be SO FUCKING BEST!

HAHA :D KRP 4 life <3

EDIT: I see you nerds think that KRP play against low enemies? :D haha sure lol... KRP always search "5on5 HIGH ONLY (you can cheat if you want we still bash you) WE HAVE SERVER"
fastestest reply ever
Pitty your not so fucking best at Engrich.
Whats engrich?
A pole in the UK.
wb taz :))))
im avi mate :)
Just ate spaghetti with meatballs :)
next time search smth better than low+ :P
kinda useless journal since a quick glance at 5on5 ladder tells everything tbh imo
feels good to bash lows doesn't it
missed you taz :)!
maybe u played vs low+?
can i have a paint-autograph pl0x?

€: still waiting
who da man
let's see how good you are after I set Bow on you
Can I have your babies?
i beat all KRP 1on1 np
its the part where curtis burn turtle... fuck id like to punch that nigger
well yeah but you are jobless :P
and you r ?
I'm tazOR :) Leader of KRP
Oh sorry... Member For: 3 years, 2 months and 24 days

I didnt notice that you are newschool so you know nothing :)
Quote4 years, 3 months and 22 days

Sorry bro, didnt know that your account is nearly as young as this one, my "im inactive".
how does it feel to start playing ET when the real pros stop?
why not send me yawnlink mister oldschool ?
I have no clue what you are trying to say? My account is one year older than yours so I'm oldschool

I have played ET almost 7 years soon. So I have seen all "pro players" and beat them down with KRP so please go away
so let me explain it for those who dont speak english.
i created this cF account when i went inactive.
you can flame on and talk kiddie trash or u just show me your yawn cauz if u rly play 7 years ur prolly just frustrated u have always eben a noone with a 3rd class )tops) team.
I'm leader of KRP so I dont talk with newschool bobs so please dont reply me again... fanboy...
2 afraid 2 send yawn newschool ragekid
I have better things to do now I dont care if you dont believe me

+ I dont even know who to use that yawn its fucking difficult
2 afraid 2 send yawn newschool ragekid

u obviously have nothing ebtter to do as you are unemployed (or "jobless" how u call it) and u take the time to reply.
ur a newschooler u dont even know how to flame on cF...
sad sad
You can find it yourself
need to know ur nick then...
cauz if ur nick has always been "taz0r" im sorry to say but my brain is good enough to remember that you have never played any role in ET.
You rly want to know my nickname? well....

1st: deadmeat
2nd: mystic
3rd: perfo
4th: taz
why the fuck u want his yawn, yawn was not working 7 years ago mr oldschool
and why would u tell him?
we have 2010 now. his account is 4 years old -> 2006.
yawn went on around august 2005 at least this is when i got some of my first entries.
so either u show who u r mister or u might just wonna stfu.
gut inglish man, you rilly pro probbbably
wb brother from another mother
what an idiot :)
Member For: 3 months and 8 days

:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ofc you dont know who I am because I was 4 months inactive and you made your account 3 months ago :DDDDDDDD

Fucking newschool shit go away
I am nerd and you are newschool so pls stfu now I need to drink beer...
Haha fucking casual nerd :DDDDDDDDD playing since 2000? :D haha super nerd :D go away :DDDDDDD5
25 years of ET and still lowbob :D
I'm from Finland so I dont need english... And I had better things to do when we had english lessons @ school like drinking beer and fucking girls

So go to you english lesson now and after that play more ET fucking pathetic nerd
Why not? I'm going to my mate soon and there we will have sauna and BBQ stuff and hot girls so now please be quiet homo
Like I said in my journal I am jobless atm and I have so much time so I cant play couple games ET and spam this stupid nerd site

Almost all my mates have job so I have time on mid day to be here

hehe, good to have you back rolling :)
Nice to be here with you once again :)
Where are the "trolled hard" -pics when you need them?
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