FL Upcoming hit

Some serious project now, not some shit like before which i did in 10 minutes :) i think it has a huge potential


i make it downloadable cause of fucked up soundcloud sound quality

shoutout to DeSanchez
add something at each 8/16 bars. As of right no melody/groove is building.
Maybe raise the bass a little (I'm listening with an half working headset but you might check that).
Hope it helps
currently working on some matching sounds before the melody starts

cheers :)

(bass is ok on my phones and monitors)
ermm i listened to it, but i cant say i liked it...sorry

but keep going!
sounds eeeh... generic
nice :D

lol fuck means? :P
i liked it but it there is lots of moments when sounds conflict each other, try to cut some lows from some sounds

what'you mean they conflict? i sidechained the bass just to make kicks harder, they only conflict imo if melody chords dont fit the bass tone, but they're the same so shouldnt happen 8D
if the midi is a sequel to the bas, chk if u made disharmonic steps while pitching the midi. also chk the synth of the leadsound if any osc is detuned more than a cent.

keep it up
hey, give me sum advices bout this if there is any, and i wonder if u know some good stereo enhancer vsts? not that this fl one is bad

I dont use external midi controlers, i make it all in platform itself with nexus and omnisphere and some other plugins and of course there's no detuning or pitching.

I suppose emdek tried to say that bass tone conflicts with other low-freq sounds and is breaking up the volume of them when being played. But, like I said, bass has been sidechained to the beat of kick sounds (kick bass-which is the only other low-freq sound that appears). Lead synth has also been sidechained to kicks but thats cause I want it that way.
u got me wrong in sume points. ill reply tomorrow in a longer way and attach some recent snippet from me using the idea of sidechaining and frequency seperating.

ich geh tanzen
how did you get the sound that starts at 1:22? (:
yeahhh that synth bass (O:
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