Greetings from Chile

image: chile-flag
Hola cuates, now i'm greeting you gente from the country de Chile.

Well, now i will tell you gente un little something about my biutiful country

Here is the typical chilean man

image: 93929mexicano

This is Julius The Videla, the best presentador, host or wherever of television de Chile

image: videla

One of our original etnias are the Mapuches, they are very funny people
image: 2r3urg2

They traditional music is the Rap, they rap and as hobby they drive low-riders and pimp cars
image: sw4o3m

We love the Pelota, or football soccer as i think you know this game.
Our best player is Charles Caszely. So time to fear Spain, Honduras and Suizalandia, here is a little of the talento of the "Rey del Metro Cuadrado"
The Master

The best is that our best football player is too the best singer of nuestro queridisimo Pais. He was called to sing the official Fifa 2010 Sudafrica World Cup main song

Waving the Hincha

And for last, now i will talk about one of our international stars, you must know him. His name is Luis Dimas
image: LuisDimas

Here you can now be a new fanatico of him. Here is a little of this magistral voice
The Crazy Dimas

In the next few days i will traer a ustedes mis amigos more information from my bello pais.

Saludos Cordiales a todos amigos!
no just no!
I enjoyed this journal tbh
Why u guys are so full of bs hatin as fuck in another ppl n shit?
no es odio, es escasez de amigas
r u mexican??
u canadian?
i ask u that cuz in chile noone use "cuate" XD MEXICAN!!!!!!
Maxiibone u need some of this shit in yo' life YO!
troll :p
greetz from gta
idd' The fuck is goin on Cuate!
image: joran901_gr

I loved your country! I'll come back soon1!

Peru needs you! xD
[nl] ben ik de enige die vind dat joran op de meeste fotos echt kijkt van 'haha jullie kunnen me toch alweer nix maken' ?, ja ok deze is dan n slecht voorbeeld :p[/nl]
Ja maar wacht maar tot hij in zn billetjes geneukt word. Dan lacht hij wel minder.
Hebben ze nu dan echt iets waarvoor ze em kunne pakken? Had al zo'n beetje het idee dat de VS met dat afpersing kwam just in case als ze nix hadden ivm met die recente moord
In voorarrest kom je ook in de gevangenis. Een pretje zal het niet worden.
nazi country
wasnt that argentina ? :)
not only. south america in common...
Tell Joran I said hi!!

Oh wait, he's to Peru again
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