Fake nicks @ ETTV

I don't get it.

People are requesting ettv for random careless matches, and then one or even both teams - all the players under fake nicks.
So even if you do care, most of the time you've no idea who plays.

Shouldn't GTV stop accepting matches playing with fake nicks? I mean, if they want fake nicks from the beggining, they shouldn't play with ETTV at all.


Requesting vote!
I like :)
is a bitch

See what I did thar ? Harharhar
how rude :PpP ehehehehehehe
nom nom nom
they think they are cool "lol how randoms own so much?" even tho every fakenicker sucks dick

skill and iq wise
they think they are cool "lol how randoms own so much?" even tho every fakenicker sucks dick
guess thats their minus that people will think about them they are retarded + that nobody will care about them and their matches?
it's cool
kinda sux when u make a bet '
remeber bf - fintastic5 ;x
who fakenicked there
le what? :)

on a sidenote: bets were cancelled
I agree
Uhu real nick or ban. Should be fun for CB :P
i think that only league, show and cup matches should be able to request.
1. lows feel like they were in need of an egoboost >:P

2. lows find out that they can request ETTV for their OC 69th div game !:)

3. lows feel proud to play on ETTV for the first 5 minutes \o/

4. lows notice that they dont give 3hs to everyone altho they make a few movie-worthy doublekills with smg :s

5. lows put fake nicks and hope that someone starts asking who the hell they are after the game because they made a few nice smg double kills with 4hs!!! :)

6. lows make 4min movie with smg double kills only and f5 the movie thread every 5 minutes and reply on every "sux, stopped watching after 0.5s"-comment :XD

7. lows post TROLLED HARD-pic like it had something to do with the latest reply-chain and think they dont look fucking stupid >:(
leave low players alone.!
haha this is the first time i agree with you :) had that multiple times when playing vs fakenickers :> when they won the map, they (or atleast one of them) changed their nicks to his real one, that really grinds my gear
Our Chinese little friend crod does this every time. :XD
ive never seen him do it because well i dont lose against crod :P im pro huh
Usually all the opponents are bitching on using the CB-nicks so I use it always.
why dont we put our real life names to ettv?? :O
Yes maybe our mother's name as well
indeed then people wont be selflovers and trolls =(
+1 reso!
Have to +1 on that, funny to see when people get rolled they change their nick randomly
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