etkey question

I have a question about etkey file. My mate has lost his HDD recently and he only has an access to the content of a file, not a file itself. If he copied the content and paste it in the new etkey, would his PBGuid stay the same?

Thank you for aswers crossies,

image: HotChickInPinkPanties
Probably, although I find it hard to believe you can't have nothing but the content of a file. I would guess it is far more likely that the program used to view items on the broken HDD is crap.
yes it would already tried that like 4 years ago D:
His PB Guid wouldn't stay the same.
If the file isn't corrupted, why wouldn't it?
PB GUID is determined by hardware (mobo), isn't it? An ETKey would make for so easy PB Guid spoofing while PB Guids are generally considered safer than ETPro GUIDs. It wouldn't be that hard to see how the GUIDs are determined by the keys and fake your own GUID to be mAus and get yourself busted (just as an example)
No, it's not determined by hardware. PB GUID is easy to spoof, just delete your etkey and you have a new one, the creation algorhitm is unknown but it probably uses some system information salted with the current time.
If one was just to fiddle the contents of an etkey with notepad, it would result in some corrupt etkey kick. They're unspoofable, but not unchangeable - they're very easily changed.

So, if someone got their hands on your etkey file and used it on their computer, they would have your GUID. Beware.
Huh PB Guid work =)
Thx for info :P
Has he checked his pockets? It's always the last place you look.
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