FL Upcoming hit vol 2


dl and opinions pls before i start breakdown ITS IMPORTANT cause i have a chance to release it

shoutout to desanchez
10 time better! Keep working on it. It has potential!
shit compression on master channel. its pumping awful
kick loosing power when bass comes - need better separation (sidechaining or eq&compression work)

need more atmos. acctually this plumping synth is too loud becouse of lack of pads
Wery nice 10/10 !
and about separation, every sound has each place in the mix thats why it so loud and clean, listen on phones, u rly made me lol :D:DD::D
im listened to it on professional studio monitors like this one so dont made ME lol ;)


right now dont have chance to make pic of my studio but i have the same monitors like this
not bad for a nooby
e: very nice damn!
hehe getting better m8!

thx for shoutout :P

ps. whos gonna release ur songs?
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