Etpro LUA sucks

The more I use it the more I hate it. Yet for some odd reason I find myself doing it over and over again. It's like crack, I guess.

I mean, the language is pretty simple, but it's the ETPro API for the language that sucks ass! EVERY SINGLE documentation for it is from 2005, scattered in the wiki and on their forums, and finding it is tricky, if even possible. At many parts I had to search through the ET source code to find some fieldnames and gah.

I guess none of you understood any of that but whatever, my point is: never ever touch ETPro LUA scripting.

But well, atleast I could do some pretty neat stuff with it.
like coding a working anticheat?
impossible can not be done!
Not with LUA atleast.. You can't even get your hands on the class recharge time (the bar that goes down when you throw around dynamites and medpacks and shit) to make it infinite (of course you could also edit your config and put something like g_medicchargetime 1 but that isn't what I'm after).
okay so, impossible can not be done with LUA atleast...
neat stuff u say ? like what ?
oh sir, you can code.
oh sir, you haz understanding of lua scripting language.

you are like a fucking superhuman or sth?
If I could code or had understanding of lua scripting language I wouldn't be here complaining about how it's annoying and difficult.
+ you are unable to spot trolls.

If I could spot trolls your life would be quite boring, wouldn't it?
Hehe nice one
don't see what you're complaining about really, what are you trying to do with lua/etpro? it's actually pretty straightforward.. :X
maybe for an evil genius
I don't see what you are trying to achieve other then a trolling award for 'I'm awesome but can't explain what I have done.'

Why would you temper with LUA files when pretty much everything can be edited in the normal server config?
Point dexter
how awesome must you be, there is a server config nowadays though....
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