Empire Earth

That how it looks like when Me Kresti and Quarki playing Empire erath (look on the map) ^^



EDiT: Look on teh food ^^
what's supposed to be funny about that ?
on the map are smarties :D
i expected the map to look like this:

image: TrollFace
Empire Earth = shit
1 = nice

2 = buggy shit
Sie haben gesiegt!!
The game never came to an end when we played it; once played it eight hours straight and decided to call it a draw.
this game is awesome our longest match was 5-6 hours or smth vs 3mid bots, its just heavy how much they build :D:D
ich hasse empire earth
thats how it looks when low- players are playing
we could play against if u want then we see who is low :)
würde ich wirklich gerne, aber ich bin gerade in der klausurenphase und hab das spiel nichma installed
frag mich anfang august nochma
you noobs should never play that game again
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