aalborg lan, cic8, ycn lan?

moin moin lovers and haters,

- so as we all may know there should be a LAN in denmark called Aalborg lan.
so my question here is if there are any further / detailed infos about this lan like entree fee, date, adress, hotels, travelling by train / car / plain, hotels, drinking limits, general costs a.s.o..... something like this would be very helpfull i gues http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=30276

- i was also wondering if there are any further news about a cic8 lan? i've heared it will be arranged in the UK, england? :O

- and last but not least i've also heared that YCN is planning also a LAN, arranged in Enschede?

Well guys, who or what to believe and what not?

help us / me to sort things our as me and my team would like to attend the aalborg lan for sure and maybe the one of other lan as well.

Thank's for reading and your time anyway so far!

Aalborg lan = fake lan
Trolling? I booked hotel already
EGU Lan = fake lan
Trolling? I booked hotel already

edit: what is EGU lan??
Aalborg lan doesn't even have it's own site and there was no announcement about it except on CF so i don't trust it

egu lan = polish lan
Who was the guy spreading the Aalborg news
Perhaps one u important ET guys like killerlol, krosan, 2spot, adacore can get some info?
as far as i know they are working on it. getting an website online, detailed infos a.s.o.

at least there are still 4 months left until october :)
he is an idiot. can't trust this guy at all.
Mensen lezen dit serieus he, sad gamers
from where is it from. I just cant remember
thought which one was it : the but or that dancing video :D
le bullshit
nah, Crossfire lan in England :// ??
it's true, nothing confirmed yet but when we were at lan before cc7 closed down we were with United KingdomMeez and co and cash told ronner "see you in london(?)" and then meez worked it out that he told him this because the next lan would be the next time they meet = cc8 :)))
actually cash ronner and a hell of a lot of other ppl were gonna come crash at my place for a few days, me starzi etc had arranged it - but doubt it will happen now.
ah too bad :( UK would have been much closer and cheaper than Holland or w/e it will be next time :|
dont give up hope on it being in england :)
I dont think Tosspot is so stupid to make the LAN in England. More expensive for everyone except UK people lol :D
Won't happen in england imo
you won't attend imo.
sorry don't talk to low- on crossfire makes me look bad please pm me if you wish to talk so no one can see
I hope this is false ego you have these days :(
ofc just cant be assed with these cunts saying all the shit bout lan ^^

lost my job and still gonna go to AEF :\
the only low- I see here is you 1 year ago. Later I read you say you were leaving a team cause you wanted to become a known player.
News for you, you will never be respected as you are rotten as hell and thats why no one cares about you.
Have a nice day Sir and gl finding job.

btw better low- than to become a sad person like you, the shame is for me if someone reads me speaking to a 14 year old that needs to hack in a game to feel someone that he cant be in real life. I know truth hurts. bb

im 18 i dont cheat and i like my life

but thx for your input you mad cos i dont want to talk to you?
Im 26 idiot, you think either me or someone with a minumum brain cares for what a retarded 18 year old fat ego freak has to say?

I just said I think you are not going to a lan, didnt require your attention or comment as I dont know you or care about you and you are not a respected or known player at least for me or the people with who I play.

The funny thing is that I just notice you really think you are a "pro" player or something xDDDD
but ey if that makes your life happy, im happy for you^^ now have a nice day sir and stop fucking replying to me.
they will make it just for u :p
CC8 will be in Germany. The games to be played will be:

Call of Duty 4 (€7,000 prizepot for 16 teams)
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (id Software sponsored prizepot of €43,000 for 16 teams)
Wolfenstein (€8,000 prizepot for 16 players, it's all the scene has)

There will be a poker tourmament with a €50 pay in, winner takes all.

Expect to see BRINK beta also at this LAN, however whether or not a tournament will be held is yet to be confirmed.
sir, i don't think so^^
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