Shit ET

Anyone now what this shit is?
Happens sometimes when i switch between smallscreen and bigscreen with alt+enter xD

image: 98743991-3

or gimme a freakin minimizer that works on vista xD
jaymod skin
scaling on windows 7 ?
modjay inski
delete custom files from your ET directory
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cool story bro
ok, now that shit is scary

delete custom files from your ET directory

delete all .pk3 files that aren't maps. (and dont delete pak0.pk3 pak1.pk3 pak2.pk3 ofc)
go to your folder & delete this shit,
I had the same :x
of fucking course it works. you're just doing it wrong.
delete all files named "z_....."
than it's too late, there's nothing else we can do,
xD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xDxD xD
i hate that shit
buy a new pc dude

only way
q3e minimizer!
buy new brain
Deserve it you anarchist !_!

Check your r_ settings. Try a cvar_restart and see if it solves your problem.
anarchy !
predje jij bent kankerdom lol
Then you're not doing something right! :O)

Run in compatibility mode or something, idk.
works for vista :):):)

P.S. je bent kankerdom
jawel, gewoon alle pk3s verwijderen in jaymod, etpub, nq, etpro. en niet op van die kut servers spelen
You are doing it wrong. If you did it properly you wouldn't have a custom background. Look for zzz_ files in your etpro folder and delete them.
@boss please youre so mean
stop replying "XD" fucking newfag just do it right.
do you delete it while your ET is off?
nice comeback mate
look in all mod-folders, jaymod, etpub, etpro ect.

Otherwise just reinstall the shit rather then spending a whole day on crossfire to solve a stupid problem
u silly sod. u delete the pk3's out of etpro directory. seen as though its etpro.
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