Seriously, Fantastic Mr.Fox?

QuoteTwin baby sisters are seriously ill in hospital after apparently being attacked by a fox while sleeping in their cots in east London.

Officers and paramedics were called to the house in Homerton after reports that the nine-month-old babies had been attacked by the animal in an upstairs bedroom on Saturday night.

They both reportedly suffered arm wounds and one of the girls was believed to have facial injuries.

The little girls are being treated at the Royal London Hospital, where they are said to be in a "serious but stable" condition.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The incident is not being treated as suspicious.

"We were called to reports of a fox attack. Officers and the ambulance found two girls with injuries."

Apparently some patio doors were left open and the fox just walked in.

image: foxes
I understand that but the Fox walked into a house, not like it got cornered. It's like a crazy random act of voilence on it's behalf.
it went upstairs and got into the cot!


but i guess that can be his other power
Shit, I must have a load of dog enemies.
Sleep is for the weak!
No fault of the fox, who left the door open & leave their children ?
The fox is just an animal who attacks living creatures they can handle, way of nature.
You can't blame the parents for having a patio door open to let air in, and leaving children to sleep in a cot.
also you can't blame jews for them all being terrorists
On the contrary, you can!
image: fox
did he shoot them with his gun?
No he did it with his bare hands and a grenade.
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