The time has come?

[17:31:36] [@khaplja] if I don't finish it tonight, it should be avi tommorow evening because I have to go in a couple of hours
[17:32:57] [slajdan] thaz naiz

image: e8k5fr

cut him some SLAC
fake logs
To say fair's fair
It's true although he was commenting on this:

15:01 ecklav • Maybe you guys could give an update about what's going on, because I think people are giving up on slac.
15:04 @khaplja • the announcement didn't say "SLAC is almost ready to be used". it's being worked on
15:05 @khaplja • I think I'll have a new version for testing today though
sorry for not reading back 2 hours, just saw this awesome msg
ugly theme is ugly
cheaters gonna get rolled.
omg we have to watch out
jij eigelijk wel ja
wnr ga je cancellen voor AEF :D ? zoals vorige lan!!! ;D
Ik zal er zijn deze keer ;) Heb trouwens de vorige TWEE lans gecancelled :P
Kon er helaas echt niks aan doen :(
Dam, did not think about that =(((
<JyrkZ> I am gonna quit ET tomorrow, summer is coming.. BBQ, chicks,partys etc :)
<sac> SLAC?
<JyrkZ> what, no lol :P
JyrkZ has left
-slac ?
-no :P
-sac ? (u)
-ye :p

k i take my joke and gtfo
Just a new version for testing afaik, but let us all test it & report all the problems we have!
yeah, let's all download software made by chaplja!

still better to have an anticheat made by chaplja than none at all.
Better a 200kg girlfriend with a pussy than no pussy

didn't think so
i heard somewher netcoders have made already hack for it
bad troll
srsly we need that slac because lately everybody seems to have a wh integrated in their et :D
hell make cheats for a high price ^_^
atleast basic wallhackers will disapear
still not gonna use it:PPPP
you ignorant bastards.. fucking 2 years you have all cried for an anticheat and now, finally, a decent coder, who has experience in hacks is coding it, with a fucking CONTRACT and you guys flame him and say "not gonna use it", fuck you all idiots

this is towards the guys saying i won't use it
Sorry but Im not gonna use it.
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