iPhone 4

image: design-glass-20100607
image: design-retina-20100607
image: design-multitouch-20100607

http://apple.com <-----------
wasnt this one already leaked like 2 months ago?

way too expensive anyway and no multitasking
it has multitasking
ooooh, still overpriced though :<
true.. but i´m not sure if any other touchscreen phone will last as long as an iphone. the quality of these phones are rly nice. the battery aswell as the case last forever. so propably the high price pays off :)
i prefer buying a new phone every 2 years and having up-to-date hardware then old fashioned high priced hardware :P
yep thats why i dont think i will buy it :P
you could sign a contract with a mobile provider for 2 years :p
Apple should get the Nobel science prize if they truly have invented a battery that lasts unlimited recharging/discharging.
it dont got a "real" multitasking
u dont have iPhone4 with iOS 4 :>
oh the sir got the beta, damn ur a cool gee...
nah, i dont, but i read multiple stuff bout it. and it always said the same: it got multitasking, but not a "real" one...
the only thing i have read was that the programs in the backround might be stopped.. but that was only a theory and nothing which ppl really belive.. just a worst-case-theory.

anyway.. if u jailbreak it u have multitasking also on the 3g or 3gs

cool cool cool !
this is what i was talking about...but lets see how the final iOS4 will be.

ye i know...
200 dollar expensive??
thats with the AT&T contract in the US..
telephone itself not, but u have to get some sick contract also, u will end up paying 500 dollars in the us or smth, 700 in europe(dont have to perfect numbers, but something like that)
"This changes everything."


I'm not sure what is more depressing. Apple marketing or the fact that people are actually sold on apple marketing.

you have to say though, their design is hot
The hardware is typically solid but rarely worth the premium they charge.
for me its mac os and the fact you will not get a 27inch HD+ monitor under 1000euro
Apple marketing so shit that 10million people buy into iLifestyle

It is dissappointing that some idiots actually think that a gadget lacking functions is some sort of a status symbol.
An idiots money is worth as much as anyone elses money.
Yeah. Well, not my problem, I don't have to use them.
The reason Apple own the smartphone market and beginning to take over several others is because they concentrate on what matters: the software. Before the iPhone there were only these shitty Samsung and Sony phones with awful software. Of course the hardware was good and probably better than the first iPhone, but the software on the phones was just truly awful. Sluggish, slow, crashing and just the worst UI imaginable. Apple realised this and that's why they now dominate the phone market in the US and some parts of Europe. I hate Apple as much as you probably do, but you have to give it to them; they know exactly what they are doing when it comes to making technology products and what sells to the AVERAGE (not you, me or developers) consumer. They take technology that exists and make it so usable. The UI on all Apple products are top notch.

Having said that, Google obviously caught on and realised there was room for an OS that should run on any phone with the same usable UI that also pleases the developers and the nerd consumers, like us. They are catching up and the iPhone days will be over in a few years.
honestly.. the software with all it restrictions was shit for the first 1-2 years.. i mean.. i think after 2 years of iPhone (including the first generation) or even more, the iphone got finally MMS.. how retarded is that? On top of that there is until today no way to record videos with the 3g (if you dont jailbreak).. altough its capable of doing rly nice movies.

the iOS4 is finally a OS of apple which is nice.. still it has some stupid restrictions again. Video calling only from iphone to iphone and only with wifi.. my 6 year old motorala can video call to every other phone and without wifi :/

in my opinion the reason they are that sueccessfull is their phone quality and design
overpriced shit
its overpriced,but not shit...by far best touch cellphone for normal use.
how about htc phone :)?
i find iphone more practical for normal use...dunno,simply fits me better
hm dissapointed tbh.. i mean it has some nice new features and also the design is nice.. the glass back is also nice to prevent the phone from scratches (i have my 3g for 2 years now and i have millions of scratches :P). but still.. for the amount of money it will cost it is a to small update of the iphone.

what i really found shit: they did like video calls were such a revolution.. lol i did video calls already 6 years ago -.-
what are prices without contract,cant seem to find l0l
they didnt tell the prices without contract but i guess it will be ~800€ :S
199$ in US for 16GB model, 299$ for 32GB model.

900€ in Europe with gay contract.
yep i guess it will be cheaper to buy it without contract and unlocked then with a shitty contract paying 700000€ each month :P
Me wants, Me gets.

Love my job!
waiting for upgrade-contracts
need new phone.
need new phone.
googled htc.
found my new phone.

HTC Desire OWN
500e for a phone?
Are you fucking serial?
I got it for my birthday :)

This phone seriously rox )))
Ok.. I've been drooling after the Nokia N900, mainly because Linux, touch screen and QWERTY.

Too bad everything is outside my budget at the moment :/.
Android is also on linux and you can get the motorola milestone which is pretty good.

Ps : all Android are pretty good, get a look at Motorola, htc and LG's android.
Going to see loads of albanian immigrants stealing using that.
fuck my 3gs i want the 4g
It's not worth it anyway, altho it looks like a "fashion" item, its so regular phone in US with its 200$ but in EU its so overpriced.. plus its software is basically the same what ull get from all nokia,samsung,lg phones which are 200$ in EU :D
dont get me wrong, i would like to buy it, because it looks great and i kind of like touchscreens since ive got one myself but to pay 7k$ for a phone what u are mostlikely/probably loose in some club/party in some months or it might be stolen..it's too much money for me, since i earn it myself and my daddy doesnt give it so easily, i could buy phone,mp3 player,some crappy digital camera for this money
But if i get rich i might change my opinion :)
3G/3GS is just fine
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