
Hello, so i installed fatality mouse fix i saw my mouse binaries change after restarting pc, after playing couple hours i decided to test out CPL mouse fix, i didn't see any changes in my registry mouse binaries so i assume they're the same?? what i want to know if binaries are the same for both fixes.

mousesens 6
mousespeed 0
mousethreshold1 0
mousethreshold2 0
mousetrails 1
smoothmousexcurve a0 40 01 80 02 05 . rest all 00's
smoothmouseycurve 66 a6 02 cd 4c 05 a0 99 0a 38 33 15

win xp
The intention of both is to remove mouse accel... ;|
What do you want to fix?
edit: yeh probably both good
probably both good yes think u got a problem to apply it
Both are the same.
You should use accelfix.exe instead because mousefix.reg doesn't have a 1:1 pixel ratio.
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