sc2 beta coming to an end

extended for another 45 minutes till 8:45...

iccup have been streaming for the last 34 hours or something silly

gonna need lots of caffeine to get through this weeks exams

if you played the beta what did you think of what you have seen so far?

and if not then... what are you doing today?!?!
Going to school, study for exam.
at work atm waiting for next pt
well gotta say I love the game. Graphics look quite nice.
Just needs some extra maps, specially in 3v3 & 4v4.


Terran tanks got nerfed wich is good, still are bit op though.
Somehow MMM still owns the shit out of everything, too easy .. too fast.

Zerg needs bit of a buff, least powerfull race atm imo.

Protoss should be able to get zealot charge faster. (terran stim is fast & cheap)

Looking forward to the real deal!
i'd say terran is a little op vs zerg, helions for example tear down zerg units at a ridiculous rate and well mech vs z in general is just op right now

i really like how there are a lot of general improvements to bw, just like finding idle workers, multi building selection and all that, but i'm not sure if i like a lot of the new abilities added to counteract those "improvements" (necescary to not make the game too easy obviously) like chronoboost, zerg queen abilities etc

i guess both will be still be played for a while

edit; forgot about hotkeys. fucking so many hotkey changes that fuck me up when i switch between bw and sc2 :D
cu at diamond league nerd
image: 4433240

but that was patch 14 ofc :D
Looks like you won 5 placement matches and got placed in diamond league ? I iz not impressed
got no screenshot from the end of patch 14 :( ... just did that one cause diamond league was new in patch 14.... had like 50-40 stats in the end and was place 35 in diamond or something... nothing too impressive ofc...
I'm just kidding, I'm a bronze/silver league player :p

still mid-class diamond (or now platin) league player is nothing impressive...

but i will definitly continue with Sc2 when it is released and will search myself a team to play some SC2CL and other leagues etc... even thou i am rather old meanwhile... but well, White-Ra is 30 and still a top player... so i still got hope !!!111 :D

enjoying Sc2 so much atm, haven't enjoyed a game that much for a loooooong time :D
played like sick within the last weeks.

Awesome game, can't wait for the release !

about the hotkeys... playing "grid-left" keys... already used to them cause of Wc3... so no big changes for me :)
playing a game of bw then going into sc2 and spamming 0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p and realizing you haven't actually built a probe 20 seconds into the game is pretty horrible ;_;

does make a lot of sense though, just really weird getting used to... very similar to the change i imagine you get from dota -> hon
well i haven't played much Sc:Bw since 2000 or so, played some Wc3 games from times to times within the last years... and did that with grid-keys, so i am pretty used to it... lucky me :D

damn beta pause now... what to do?!?!?!?! :D ... thank god WorldCup starts soon :D
i will also watch some Sc2 VoD i guess :D

btw, you could finally invite me Korea, Republic of Starcraft crossfire team btw :D
hmm... was playing possi only in bw, now ~100 games of sc2 and i fucking love it (:

but somehow i have the feeling it's a mix betweeen low... and middle, you somehow get fucking many minerals sometimes... especially with those gold mines :p

while being Protoss only i hate the new Dragoon's, they are fucking weak against most of the heavy air like battle cruisers or carriers :x in bw you could have pwned them with goons...

But microing with some colossus is so sexy....

Still i have the feeling that there are fucking lame tax :D was not like that in bw :P

ranking system is funny aswell (:

Overall, great game (:
Talking from an outside view, as I've not played SC:BW more than a couple of times:

In comparison to other RTS games seems quite decent, the balancing seems pretty good at the moment from what I can tell, but I only got to play a couple of times. Only thing that annoys me is some races' reliance on particular units. Especially if the units happen to be air ones :@.

always hated air, mostly cos my muta micro was horrible in bw


need to figure out a way to still be awake for it considering current sleeping schedule
Lol, don't do a 2nd 2nd year! That is all im going to say. Feeling confident?

And to be fair, I've had 7 exams so far in the last 3 weeks :D

e: Some reason I've never liked air in rts games, im a defensive player and it makes it harder to use the terrain.
Im a defnesive player too because i'm too scared to actually push, upon watching replays I noticed I already had weapon upgrades aswell as my first few zealots out before my opponent could do anything about it..
Yer, I'm not good enough to know when to push/know what other people should have built in x amount of minutes. So if I do push its likely I'll choose the wrong time and get crushed on the counter :(..
SC2 is easy to make units, shift click, ctrl and then a number, then press the number and the bind to make mass units ezibash

Also, when are you back? When are you getting your new mouse?

Quote by Scarzy Bro, when you back?

Quote by MztikLaaaaaate reply but I should be back just before July.
omg u talks to mztik??? real??? u cool guy ;D
cu there nerd, bring the beers
:) thanks

I sent him messages of many and he respond after time long
Well, im back thursday - saturday. Saturday back to uni for 2 days, monday off on holiday for 12 days. So active again late june.And about mouse, ill either fix it thur, or order a IME then.

e: I will nerd, hard.
can u enjoy the game without having played sc1?
i'd say so, i think a lot of the people active in sc2 beta didn't play bw, a lot of wow players infact

sc2 is much easier to get into than bw because there are much less limitations on control groups, multiple building selection, things like automine, easier rally points, "auto-surround" on attack

there will be another beta stage before release, would be worth giving it a go if it is open/you can get a key
Yeah I'm certainly interested, as it's a Blizzard game (instant success guaranteed), and not as addictive as WoW (I hope). I used to play AoE, so this might suit me too.

Still looking forward to Diablo III though, that's gonna be epic.
No RTS or any other genre can be as addictive as an mmorpg like WoW. I'm not that great of an RTS player myself and I still seem to enjoy it because of 3v3's and such and the league's they made are perfect.
GW2 will make u shit yourself!
i really enjoyed 2on2 in Wc3... but somehow in Sc2 i can't stand it (not to mention 3on3 and 4on4)... only playing 1on1s somehow.

i personally think armys are just to big etc :(
I once had 90 vikings h3h3h3
ofc, I never played any rts online, and Im excited like little kiddo :D
Apart from being absolute shit and occasionally getting put against even worse shitters and managing to win, i'd say the game was good, and will probably buy it the day it comes out. Zerg aren't nearly powerful enough at the moment though, some units have a dramatic advantage still, which needs sorting out imho, overall, i'm looking forward to the final product.

Also, english exam today, finish exam period on Thursday, GL though Meezentux!
I managed to get half decent at zerg, when the pop count of roach went to 2 it changed how I had a to play a lot :( didn't bother playing much after that if I'm honest (but its manageable with it now needing 2)

looking forward to full release, blizzard have made a big fucking deal of the online stats so they better be good ':D' and hopefully the SP has a nice storyline.
maruders (?) r too cheap imo
Beta ends just as my exams finish :(

I'm happy with getting near the top of my gold league with no previous RTS experience though :D Such a good game.
do not like
didnt like sc1 either
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