enjoy something cute and ...

... get happy !!!

i hope you all are alright.

anyways, wish you all a nice day...

image: foto0473w

image: foto0474f

image: foto0478

image: foto0477q

i also did a video, where they hiss into the cam, very cute as well. if you r interested, i can upload...

they are like +/- 2 weeks old.
sup with his nose
its nose is still dirty, tried to clean it, but it was afraid so i didnt ;D
probably it was born in a dirty place, kinda dont know why it doesnt try to clean itself or get cleaned by their mother.
the others nose i could clean though.
:) threat them nice sir
cuties :)
w/e happened hope u r doing well
What's wrong with their faces?
so tell us about that bad thing that happened
Quotewell i`m not. just came to know something pretty bad.... :(( dont wanna talk bout it though.

i hate when ppl do that, just shut the fuck up and dont whine if u dont wna talk about it or at least tell what it is and get some help
its just some hint for idiots like you to NOT put typical CF shit flame comments.

but you even fail with hints. so gtfo, brainless nerd.
that makes no sens. if you wouldnt mention it at all there wudnt be anything at all either
pha, there is no journal or forum thread in which there are NOT idiot comments all the way through.

and i usually dont care about disrespectful comments, but today i probably would, so i hoped that some haters can show some respect and not flame me in any way...

BUT WELL whatever, you are right. it makes no sense, it was actually ultra stupid from me to even post this on cf...............
cute cats but i agree with dezire..

dont tell us something bad happened and not tell us what it is, just don't even mention it if you don't wanna speak about it. Regardless of that good luck with what ever the problem is :)
give me black one with blue eyes
All cats are born with blue eyes!
interesting, didn't know that
hoffentlech sennd die be der guet ufghobe :S

ah jo, animal ziehds ned so, also i wörds loo :pPppPPPPPp
eat da poopoo
..........please use a reasonable image resolution when posting images to a site -_--

it's not like theyre brilliant high quality images, they are just poorly compressed and oversized
oh sorry... -_-

it was my mobile phone`s cam and i put them how they were on imageshack.

didnt want to nerd around, sorry mr admin (bows down).
if i was saying that as mr admin i would have resized them myself: D

www.irfanview.com can open almost any image file, and you can easily scale images without taking a hit on quality (down atleast), plus it supports good compression ratios on jpeg images and plenty moar!!!
not too nerdy :]
k, thanks!

but to tell you the truth, i was pretty happy that i even could insert them into the post! the rest you may think..... ;D
everyone loves kittens!
haha yes, and noone loves ppl, that cant post!
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