FM (10) Journal


so generaly im in need of some tips
since, well im trying to get good at it and be totally dominating but so far my trying is doint doing rly good.
Tried with arsenal now to defeat bolton but its just not working






but its just not working, im just saving the game and trying different tactics and loading the game again when it failed, but i cant seem to find any proper ones
now i tried it again with bayern and its the same story, i cant win vs hoffenheim






i dont seem to be able to get good, when i win its 1-0 or 2-0 but never huge scores
this is just about FM10
cant seem to get rly good in fm08 either without a little cheating, i did win some stuff there but neither again with total dominance x]

NEED HELP undso :D

buy pato/balotelli/aguero and ull own...
no messi no win! xD
FM10 sigames or ea games?
If its sigames i would say ur tactics and individual postions must be wrong, false pace perhaps something like that.
Football Manager, siga i suppose
You need Aguero
The only (quite) working tactics for FM are 4-1-2-1-2 or 4-3-3.
4-3-3? with the strikers in the center? that never works for me x]
4-3-3 (3xmc + 3xst) works very well with top teams, for me at least -> .

And I use 4-1-2-1-2 with the weaker teams.
lols sick :)
I thought that only for me Atletico is so strong :D
I use 4-1-3-2 counter attack and has pretty much worked every league, bearing in mind my whole team is built around it.
Tactics with counter attack never work for me :<.
np, its very detailed but I think there is a download at the bottom but you might have to signup. I have tested it myself and it worked.
is this particurly for arsenal? what happens if i buy a new player? :P and i suppose i should search on that site for other teams
the tactic will work for literally everyteam as long as the players are there, the dude has gone into so much detail
wow, thanks man :~D
hey, do u know maybe any guides or so for starters? everytime i downloaded and tried to play it i got bored and never tried to get into it, but im sure ill love it :(
play a decent game for instance, should help in the first place
play FM Live!
But now about FM 2010... Many people found out that tactic as one of the best, try if you want
Its 4-1-2-3 <- download link
gonna check it, ultra offensive tactics > all ;D
haven't played FM10 for months so I don't know how it work on newest patch. Totally addicted to FM Live :)
Im manager of Arsenal also, but im failing like shit.
Its so hard :(
i'm arsenal, doing pretty a standard 442, change the sides of ramsey and fabregas, have fabregas as box to box midfielder and ramsey (or denilson as he is better at it) as ball winning midfielder, play them both on support roll.

you have the same attacking partnership as me :D...i play van piersie on the left as a target man and higuain as a complete forward, both on attack roll.

play your wingers as simple wingers on the attacki roll...i have mine pushed up to attacking midfielders, nasri and ronaldo (managed to get him as he was unhappy at madrid somehow :D)

Last season i scored around 120 goals with this setup but with walcott instead of ronaldo but i conceded a shitload :| so i have changed my defence alot and bought joe hart as my keeper <3

defence is gibbs, wilson (buy him from rangers asap as he is amazing and young) sendros and either eboue or rafael,i rotate them alot. all of my defence is on the defend roll cause of all the goals i conceded last season :p playing both full backs as full back, sendros as ball playing defender and wilson as central defender
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