is anybody here playing ogame?
playing it for 5 years already and its still cool :P

and the community is also fine :D

<+Bleed65> nabend
<+Proxy2k|suche|Deut> geh weg
<+Bleed65> schön das du dich so freust das ich hier bin :)
<+Proxy2k|suche|Deut> schon dass du 2 mal dass falsch geschrieben hast
<+Bleed65> ^^ du bist so klug ;)
<+Proxy2k|suche|Deut> nö
<+Proxy2k|suche|Deut> du bist einfach dumm

* REGLOSRRR ([email protected]) has left #tuetensuppe.capella
<@geiles_huhn> ......
<@geiles_huhn> sei bitte jetzt ruhig reglosrrr
<@geiles_huhn> so
<@geiles_huhn> weiter
<@geiles_huhn> leiter wurde es nur noch schlimmer
<@geiles_huhn> leider
<@geiles_huhn> und dann...
<@geiles_huhn> nächster oder übernächster tag
* +dopeshow ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
<+Blackbeard> RUHE DOPE
<+zorty> :DDDDDD
<+Bismarck> :DD
<@hasi> xD
<@Schmogg> haha
<Panic> :DD

n8 <3
soooooo what is it?
played it for 2 years and became number 2 of universe 41.es,then i got bored of it and deleted my account
man 5 years? i got bored after like 6 months:x
ogame what is ogame
lol this game sux
Played it like 5 years ago I think. Was pretty addictive tho and needed a lot of time.
Stoped playing it 2 years ago, was even top1 and many times top10 with 10k+ ppl, it takes too much time ;[
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