english people!

any of you fuckers going to isle of wight festival on thursday?!?!
lolz, mõhk elab
o rly vassili,

ma elangi siin virtuaalruumis
ee, mis see nüüd tähendama peaks?
Neo elas ka virtuaalruumis =)
red pill to wake up and the blue one to keep dreaming
no but my dog does
if i was gonna go that far for a festival i'd rather go T in the park ¬_¬
too much money =/ would love to go t in the park maybe next year, plus a bit fair away from portsmouth to scotland.
westfest 2010 ???? !!!!!!!
maybe, planning on going with some mates and getting messy!
should do it man, 2009 was crazy !!!
english people are fat and redhaired. well most of them.
meanwhile all germans have blonde hair, blue eyes and have swastika tattooed to their arm?
At least they dont run around in a loud group through the red light district in Amsterdam with one guy in a french maid uniform and the rest of the 'lads' with their nicknames and 'Horny's Amsterdam tour xxx' on their t-shirt in -5 degrees....
Typically english people on vacations.

Saw them in portugal, spain and here in germany, hilarious people. :P
They really act and look mostly like retards when they are in other countries. They prolly think they are so much superior :D
Better than acting like a retard in your own country isn't it. Dick.
Sense - That made none
Keep reading and it might. If you need me to explain just ask.
yeah cos thats nearly as bad as being a nation with a party being responsible for the holocaust once upon a time ;) <3
We get smashed and do stupid things when we are abroad because we don't give a shit about what other foreign cunts think of us :)

Unfortunately you lot are so uptight you try to look down on us, but when I see estonian, french, dutch and german on vacation I think they look like cunts.
We are uptight?

Just try to act normal when you go on holiday.

Dont you think its strange to run around in a city shouting to every woman/man walking by? I mean come on he :p

There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, but enjoying yourself means for most english men drinking a lot. For women this is the same actually. Typically they are (a bit) overweight, blond hair and wearing a pink feather boa....

Tell me i am wrong ;)
What is "normal", try to define it. I don't think you can.

If you are on about English women then yes, we have ugly women, but we also have some of the best in the world. It's the same for every country.

We drink a lot because we can.

Like I said, we don't give a shit when we go abroad.
"What is "normal", try to define it. I don't think you can."


"Like I said, we don't give a shit when we go abroad."

I think you proved my point mate :)
You don't seem to have a point, the second statement I made was in my first post anyway so you are trying to prove a non-existant theory here.
But, but,... you were are asking me to define normal, what means the definition of normal isnt clear to you right? Same goes for me, but one thing i do know is that running around and 'dont give a shit' isnt normal....

I knew i shouldnt have said anything. Ill take it back ok? Arguing via crossfire always means trouble...
You don't make any sense, you can't define normal yet you are calling something not normal.

Ehhh well defining something is pinpointing what it is exactly. And i cant seem to pinpoint it, but i am sure its not that. Im defining the boundaries...More easy than that i cant explain.

Yeah calling eachother names will help. Acting like that will make me stop replying he. But in normal life you wouldnt call someone 'an idiot' if he is trying to explain himself. Why do that now? You almost make me lose faith in humanity, not only english people...
I call anyone an idiot that cannot explain themselves properly, that is why I distance myself from them usually, but I can't get away from you whilst you are replying to me on here.

If getting drunk and acting stupid whilst abroad is out of your boundaries then, wow, that's what we do, get over it.
At least your not uptight...
That's what I thought.
Where did you get red haired from, you are attempting to be sterotypical. But have totally failed and have managed to get the wrong place.

Typical German.
np......arnet most german women stronger then the men? lol
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