Goodnight Nerds

It is now 2:29 AM in the midwest USA and I am about to go to bed. I'm probably gonna be tired because im getting up early for a bjj class at a gym about 20 minutes away. What time is it in euroland?

Anyway, I would just like to give shoutouts to:

Photosynthesis - may you synthesize co2 into many organic compounds
Commander Fro - I know you dont play et but I love you bro
Darkuz - he's some nerd that reads this site so i figure i would put him in
Number1dad - probably high right now randomly browsing the internets
Rhand - He reads every journal ever made so he will see this guaranteed
Killerboy - stop caring about that dead game
Anim - I predict that there is a 23% chance that he will comment on this journal

image: 28512_1392993782836_1171890425_3106

So what should you do? Comment on this journal with something fucking entertaining so when I wake up tomorrow I can come back and be amused.

it's fucking raining again!
Why would I post, I didn't even get a shoutout...

Oh snap...!

Btw, I'm having a shitty morning.
- headache
- dizzy
- nausea
- sweating

Guess the pre-made mac 'n cheese I had yesterday doesn't agree with me...
you are pregnant!
i entered the symptons in some make-ur-own-diagnosis-site and first was indeed pregnancy
QuoteI'm probably gonna be tired because im getting up early for a bj class at a gym about 20 minutes away.


Lol @ Guidettes and that homo in the middle.
Quote by hattivatti Greetings, my name is hattivatti and when other men are fucking me in the ass, my favorite thing to do is edit other people's posts to give vaguely homosexual connotations
How did you gain access to my CV?
oh no i forgot to give casek a shoutout
Lol dont worry, But you owned him btw,
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