Access help II

Hello guys,

I m quickly in need of some help and hope to find some guys here having at least more knowledge of access than me!

Here is my problem:

I have got several tables in my database containing of particularly data of the same type and some data of different types. (e.g. every table has the datatype "Artikelnummer", "Stückzahl", etc.. and every table has a few datatypes characteristically for each table which are less interesting now)

I want to create some kind of an "Overall Table" containing of just 5 datatypes.
Basically i want to merge all the other tables but just pick out the datatypes "Artikelnummer", "Stückzahl" and 3 others being in every table.

i basically dont just want to copy all the data into the overall table since it has to permanently up2date.

is there an easy solution (Maybe with code) to get my problem solved?

Many many thanks in advance
a simple join should do
select [fields] FROM table1 a
INNER JOIN table2 b
ON a.Condition = b.condition
INNER JOIN table3 c
ON a.Condition = c.condition
INNER JOIN table4 d
ON a.Condition = d.condition
WHERE a.2ndCondition = [condition]

smth like this ?!?

for clearance: a.field = b.field etc
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