6th player for ingame lead?

I just heard rumors that Evo is going to be on vent during AEF so that he can do the in-game leading and heard in other rumors that Krosan had said this would be allowed.

Are you kidding me? That's not 5 vs 5 mate, that's 5 vs 5.5 and in case of a guy like for instance Night it would simply be 5vs6.
it shouldn't be allowed in any way
it's the same as using a spec in the server online
that shouldnt be allowed either (its even more unfair as the 6th guy has his own pc online)
So specs are not allowed anymore...?
Online you can simply say "no specs" and during pracs it could just be considered training, but during official games? no way.
KB allowed evo to spec the impact vs colt45 game while kamz asked evo to go to ettv (just putting this as info here, I dont think you knew it?)
ETTV-delay around 5min, two full-pauses, one in ETTV & vent = better than speclocked view?
yes obviously, reason: the delay of a few mins make it impossible to call tactical moves (only thing you can do is give the spawntime and explain the situation when there is a pause)
Great advantage, especially when attacking, got the defence positions in some maps + ofc the spawn time.
delay is 1:30 minutes atm
wasn't it 60 secs before?:/
specs during officials is stupid and any team should simply not allow it.
well my point was that colt45 refused it, but KB said it was ok for evo to stay, so for EC at least its not an option to say no I guess
Sure it is. It's in the CB rules. cold45 should not have started that game until he disconnected and there is nothing Killerboy could have done, other than file a motion to change the rule on CB.
1) It wasn't listed on the rules that a spec isn't allowed
2) i see it the other way round, i manager can help the team just like in football, if a football team doesn't have a manager the opponent won't whine because they dont have a manager and the opponent do = 12v11
3) At CC7 there were many CoD4 managers with the teams and they also had mentors that were "psychological trainers" that were boosting the player's moral

if you want to push ET into a professional LAN e-sport game like CSS and COD4, why should ET disallow managers while its allowed in cod4?
1. Did the rules change because as far as I know it's always been in the rules that spectators are only allowed if both teams agree.
2. Football is not ET and is played entirely different. You can not compare the two.
3. CoD is not ET and just because it's done in CoD does not mean it's a great idea or that it should also be done in ET. Having mentors and trainers outside of the games and in between rounds to boost moral etc, is fine, but during the game itself it simply has to be those 5 against 5 others.

It also has nothing to do with pushing ET forward as a game for professional Lans. That argument has no grounds whatsoever.

I don't understand how you can not see that it's an unfair advantage. Have you always played with people that can't lead on coms?

I'll tell you this, there are a number of people out there who are great on coms and are great tactical leaders. Night is exceptional in that and I can tell you that if you put him on coms with any team as a 6th guy to do tactical leading during the game, it is a massive advantage to any team.

It's unfair, plain and simple and if this will be allowed on AEF, CC, CB or any other Lan where ET is being played, the guys that allow it are the biggest fucking morons ever.
spec isnt allowed when there's ETTV. Spec is allowed when there's ETTV ( 1 spec per side and you cant deny it )
ET is completely different from COD. Making the assumption that managers helping teams to spec and make calls is a good thing is not very professional either.
Perhaps we could just test it sometime first instead of just allowing it suddenly cause somebody came up with it
Spec isnt allowed when there's ETTV. Spec is allowed when there's no ETTV. Get your rules straight killerfag
now that makes sense :D
now it does :D
what a paradox, rename yourself to zenofect
football managers can speak directly into players brains while they are on the pitch??

maybe they do deserve the big salaries after all

e: and how is imitating another game going to transform ET anyway? it isn't
Sounds really stupid, especially when there are much more experienced players in the team. What if eVo and some player make a call at the same time? Epic fail incoming.
bullshit :/
So what's wrong with that?
Can't he just look at the players screen at lan ?
yep,its pretty shit and unfair towards other teams.
idd that shouldnt be allowed
my opinion is that the team got the job to lead the game and not from an outstanding "6th" guy.Thats bullshit since its the team who needs to perform,lead the game not some1 else.

wireless headset & sit between opponents!
perfect, ik geef u straks de vent infos
why not, whats the difference if he goes stand behind them and gives calls from there (he even has mview demo then)
pretty shit and unfair, just because other teams don't have a manager with them?

just don't waste a computer on him and let him use his own laptop :D
If he'd stand behind them and shout out calls, in my opinion the admins should then request him to either stop doing that and let them play or leave.
Clearly you've never seen his teams at a CC event, or any of the high level CoD or CSS teams.
i doubt that's the case but lets not compare ET to more professional games like that. For the simple reason that there is no profit to be made and most teams end up just taking care of there cost or not even that. You would have end up in first place to do that.
If eVo or I believed there was no profit to be made, we'd never be sending teams to LAN at all. It's not worked out so far, but there's definitely the potential for (slim) margins.
would you perhaps happen to have an overview of the prizemoney for the games because im having trouble finding that :>

+ i think there is nothing wrong with securing your investment up to some level but don't most CS or CoD managers merely keep the moral up and not give to much in game advice or calls? or however you want to name it. I think i have seen CS matches where they are on the coms of the players but im not sure.
whats to point of hunting so small (or negative) and unsure profits, or is it more about supporting those players?
It's a bit of both, to be honest. We do it in part because of the potential for profit, but also because we love ET and want to see the best teams at LAN.

I know I sent FatGames to CC5 under the Impact banner mostly because I didn't want them to be totally screwed over by having FatGames pull out of the funding. If there hadn't been at least the potential for making my money back I wouldn't have done it, but it certainly wasn't a purely financial decision.
In my earlier comment I entirely neglected the most objectionable part of your post, which was that ET should not be compared to 'more professional games'. For those of us that want ET to continue to have more LANs with larger prize-pools, this is a ridiculous assertion. We should be striving to make the level of professionalism in ET as close to (or ideally superior to) the 'more professional games' - it's not like there are really many 'professional' gamers in team-games any more, even in the 'more professional games' (are there any, at the moment)?
Totally agree. However having a 6th man giving comms during games doesn't make the game any more professional.
yeah i think should have phrased that somewhat differently. Because after wise i wanted to say that i meant that more in how ET's state is now. And agreed ofc it should be a goal to close that gap and get it to a similar level. It would be great and i hope this LAN is a good step in that direction.
m1lk's teams?

edit: nvm I thought you meant his ET teams.
For a couple of the LANs, yes. Not for all, ofc.
i played this french team at cc5 i think, they had a 'coach' with them, cheering and talking etc. who cares !
Very normal with other games where it has a bigger advantage, infact the first quakecon with ET i think u5 had a player as a coach. What real advantage does it give? Its not like evo is a tactical mastermind, no offense evo.
In gay bestiality pr0n movies it's very normal for a guy to have his ass hammered by a big dog. Does that make it a good idea? Should we just take this great idea and make it normal in other pr0n as well?

Stop comparing ET to other games. It's not Cod or css, it's ET.
Well one of my examples was ET back in 2005, I just don't see the advantage to it. Also the reason I compared it to other games was not because I thought it was a good idea in those games, just how in other games they dont view it as cheating.
Ok, then I have another game for you that is also based on tactical insights. Chess or poker. Imagine that someone was sitting next to a chess or poker player during a tournament telling him/her what to do. Would be pretty unfair, right?

That's why I said that using this in pracs is fine with me, cuz that's training, but in officials? No, then it's simply an unfair advantage in an official tournament.
Won't be unfair if all the chess and poker players are allowed to have someone with them.
I see you don't get the point. :P
lol thats a good point but perhaps he can be somewhat a mental coach or for moral or whatever i dont know.
the guy in spec can switch between the players, if a player gives comms it won't be such exact, he will exactly know who is the closest player of the team and can give the comms for that.

(example: xylos spots a medic at main, sqzz is the most close, xylos will say he is at main, and evo can tell sqzz he is the one who should go there to anticipate.)
its not about other teams having no manager. fact is that if a 6th will support its just no 5vs5 anymore.. calling etc. is part of the game. In my opinion specs @ LAN shouldn't be allowed to help in any way. Its just not part of the game
i think in other big games (like cs 1.6 or cs:s) this is allowed.. i think they also arent allowed to talk when they are dead

would have a problem with that tho
it's idd 5v5.. not allowed imo
well maybe it's unfair, but what problem does it make for another team if they also have one for spec?
blabla, just keep it 5v5 and don't start doing stupid things around
I'll keep it 5on5 trust me.
My question is how is this any different from what he's been doing with Impact at CC events (and at CC7, YYT)? eVo's always stood behind his teams when they've played and given calls, the only change this would make would be his being on comms so he doesn't have to shout to be heard.

Anyone who's been to one of the CC events that eVo's attended should know this already.
yes thats the problem. Why Did YOU as an ET admin never told him to stop it. Its close to cheating, you can even discuss if its not.
I've never been opposed to teams having an active manager. It is, as has been mentioned, common practice in most team-based LAN games. Plus, in an environment like CC, it's not exactly easy to prevent even if you want to.
Agreed on the point its not easy to control it however, if you know somebody is doing it you can at least do something about it. Secondly things that are good and part of other team based LAN games does not have to be good for ET.
Another question: Why are there no clear rules about this?
ill come to aef and coach your games
If u come you will play. End of discussion!
fine you coach me then oO
ingame yes. As spec, no!
I've seen him sit behind them but I've never seen him make tactical calls.

But like spho said, if that happened you or any other admin should've stopped him because it's not fair.

Whether or not eVo's calls can be considered an advantage is another thing but the whole concept of a 6th guy doing the thinking for the others is simply unfair. It's 5v5, not 5v6.
a manager is allowed in alot of games, though if the manager is allowed to do it from home.... that's a whole different story.
Agreed. Obviously it can't be from home for LANs. In this specific case, eVo is coming to AEF and is registered on the team's AEF ticket as Impact's manager.
Vent and all other comms will be hosted locally, and thus inaccessible from the outside world :)
i find it funny that evo would call the shots in a team where ~every player have played on the highest level for like 3 years at least
maybe he will just do like ingame managers do in other games? keep track of item spawntimes etc?
tough job in ET
If by 'item' you mean 'teams' it could be useful (and I think eVo did that, at previous LANs).
i dont see how it could be useful. there really are players who cant keep track of team's spawntime themselves?

ofcourse there are other times to remember (construction white thing, dynamite explosion) but again no good player needs an outsider for those.
we are not all EC winners are we?
you dont need to be
yeah.. the spawntime is being a pain in the ass :(
with the adumbration "item spawntimes" I was referring to miscellaneous events just like that yeah.
i dont see the problem, plus i thik it rather raises professionality of e-sports to have someone like that in the team
Never seen Australian ET where they had 8 ppl for a 6v6 ?
tbh it's only going to be a distraction
you cant say manager with without man.. eh eVo !
its an insider joke ! :( a bad one tho :D
it would probably make them lose.
Was pretty common for Australian teams.
Actually, it's a pretty interesting issue, at least column's worthy. On the one hand, saying that it's not 5o5 anymore is a pure bollocks. Why? Because it's still 5 guys playing against 5 guys. There is no other player standing still in the same position, there is no additional 30 bulelts. No matter what you say, no matter what you prove, this is a fact. On the other hand, leading at comms from spectator pov gives some advantages. You can keep jumping through your players being able to time your attacks more precisely. You are not playing, so you can concentrate on speaking while all of your players can concentrate on playing only. But is it really a great idea? Not quite. You certainly won't see what's going on in team's fireteam (switching classes). You won't see if someone binded spawntimes already correctly while you give it delayed eg.
Having a manager as a spectator might give you an advantage only in comms. Might, not will 100% since it's also more risky that someone will fuck comms up. In fact, you can use a manager as a team leader when there is no one in the team that can keep up both, playing efficiently and taking care of the team's overall tactics.
All in all, you cannot clearly say what is better because both options have their pros and cons. You cannot measure what is better.
I could also compare it to football, volleybal or basketball. Every team should have a brain ON the battlefield. A manager might be helpful, setting up good tactics, but might as well fuck things up.
Impact - Form Guide
27 May: 2-4 Overload

27 May: 0-4 colt45

24 May: 0-4 FiF

24 May: 4-0 Squirtles

17 May: 2-4 vibe
If eVo was standing behind me and shouting where I should go, I'd /pause the game and tell him to stut the fuck up. There's no fucking way he can see things better or faster than the five players Impact Gaming are playing with.

No offence at all, but I don't think Unkind.Evo can give tips & tricks during an important match to players that've been there and done that.

Read: no offence at all.
imo he would have a really good overview of his people.. he could tell you: dont go to offensive cause your mates are fucked if all enemys rush them. also he can tell faster where the enemy comes from because u are still in the infight .. concentratin on aim and not on coms.
Quote he could tell you: dont go to offensive cause your mates are fucked if all enemys rush them.

I hope for eVo and his team he picked players that got the experience to notice that by themselves. I'm pretty sure they all know when to fall back and when to go offensive, no manager needed.

Quote also he can tell faster where the enemy comes from because u are still in the infight ..

There are already ten eyes watching this game in favour of Impact Gaming, all from different sides and prospectives. Plus the players got enough instinct themselves after all these years and they got the most expensive headsets out there. I honestly don't believe eVo can add much more information, it would only irritate the players.
ofc you know yourself that this is a bad moment to go offensive.. but still he will have a much much better overview of the game than any other player ingame.. his job would only be to have an overview of the game.. its like u would run 24/7 with command map opened. there are players who have a better ovreview of the game than others.. but still eVo would have an advantage. And with an better ovreview u can give better ingame commands/tactics/tipps and also can react easier on something and expect something to happen already.
Experience and good teamplay would do the same job tho.

if all ten eyes are concentrated checking out their own position (leaning,planting mines,repairing) and there is suddenly someone getting attacked, then he will focus on killing them, surving and stopping them. and when he is dead or has a free moment he will add "1 medid,1 rifle,1panzer side". but this could be too late already. eVo would see that already and while the player is shooting and not talking yet, he could already give the information: there is a panzer at side !
Ofc the others will hear him shooting, loosing hp etc.. still they dont know.. is this only a medic attacking there, is there also an engi? or are all engis main.. etc

@edit: but yes, ofc he could also disturb his players alot
xD jaapiejo
I've been told by a reliable source that eVo is sending the whole Impact team and himself to a three week training marathon in the Alps to increase the team's red blood cells and achieve even a greater advantage over their opponents. This gentlemen, is outrageous.
hahaha =)
Brilliant :D
Nothing wrong with it.

Like m1lk said.
krosan prob allowing it cos you are actually paying a manager fee in the AEF entry, but I dont really think its going to be that helpful :A)
i would like a manager as spawntimer
hardly going to be game changing, look at 1.6 for example or cod4.

Motivation wise they can be amazingly useful but in ET well i dont know how much it will help. Jason Lake is a prime example of how they can be used but i dont see evo being the next Jason Lake. Dont see the issue with it at all.

related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQyXBQ6jwZo
Gonna make some things clear:

1) You're not paying a manager fee in the entrance price. The complete team is seen as 5 players and a manager, that means those people get a badge (players get playerbadge, manager gets managerbadge). Those people are the only ones who can enter the players area. It's purely an organizational thing and has nothing to do with extra fees or whatever.

2) The manager won't be allowed to join the gameserver. He will only be able to join the comms of the team, so he can give better calls which he would be doing anyway, but the only difference is that with the manager on the comms he doesn't have to shout or only talk to 1 player who passes it on via comms. That means his calls (and this is especially important for English-speaking managers) are heard only by his teammates and not the opponent.

3) ET has to become more like real esports such as CoD4 and CS1.6. If the other games allow this, they probably know best because they have been around much longer, and have had thousands of lans more than ET. Acting as if you know it all is just being naive.
QuoteET has to become more like real esports such as CoD4 and CS1.6

Says fucking who?

QuoteIf the other games allow this, they probably know best because they have been around much longer, and have had thousands of lans more than ET.

Another tactical game has been around a lot longer than any game mentioned here. It's called Chess, and during a chess game the players involved will have to make tactical decisions and play the game, not the ppl around a chessplayer helping him/her while doing it. Nobody is allowed to sit with them and help them with the game as it's being played. If Chess does not allow this, the once who made up the rules for that probably know best, huh! Same dumbass argument, but actually has more weight to it if you'd ask me.

ET is not Cod nor CS. I don't care what the ruleset of other games are. The fact that it's being used in those games have fuck all to do with the fact whether this is a good idea for ET. Which I think it isn't.

QuoteActing as if you know it all is just being naive.

That whole sentence didn't make any sense at all.

Anyway, have fun with bring back 6v6, or should I say 5.5vs5.5.
Evo is like a dynatimer,3rd party spawntimer, all time +mapexpend on the screen. Shouldnt be allowed.
I still can't understand why you or anyone would be against eVo or whoever coaching his team. What's so wrong with that and how does that change the game at all?
5.5v5? Wtf are you talking about?

Please do explain how eVo or anyone making calls would bring an advantage to a certain team. What's the difference between let's say Night playing and making calls and Night being on vent only and making the same calls? If any, that would be a disadvantage to his team. I really can't see what gives that team the advantage in the case and why that should not be allowed. People already mentioned U5 being coached by saintt and there are many other cases.

QuoteWhich I think it isn't.

I think it is... pointless argument.

Not even going to comment on the dumb comparison of ET to chess and rendering comparisons of ET to Cod and CS invalid... the least you could do before posting that would be to think if chess has ANYTHING to do with a team based game.
If you can't realize that having to concentrate on both playing and doing ingame tactical leading at the same time requires more skill and effort than only doing ingame tactical lead as a 6th guy, then I understand why you don't get it.
Other teams can do the same thing. PRETTY WEIRD HUH? So your argument there is invalid since it's not an advantage.

Also, if anything, I actually think that's going to confuse the team way more than help. Therefor it should be counted as a disadvantage and I don't see why other people would be against that.

With your logic, you are actually trying to convince me that other games such as Cod and CS have it all wrong because they have coaches? Do their coaches make their teams less skilled?!?

I really can't understand your arguments, then again that might be because you don't have any.
useless to discuss this with you if you keep talking like that.
Thank you for proving that you really don't have any arguments.
Oh I do, it's just that it's useless to discuss them with someone as ignorant as you.

For instance your argument that everyone else can do it and thus the whole point to object to it is invalid. If this was announced by the AEF organization that this was being introduced into ET, I would still find it a weird idea but at the very least everyone would have had a heads up.

I never said the CoD/CS scene has it all wrong. It's something everyone knows over there and it's common practice, however ET is not CoD nor CS. It's a different kind of game with a totally different kind of play-style and in my opinion a great tactical in-game leader can make all the difference in ET. If that is an external person from the 5 playing it is simply an unfair advantage if this was silently allowed instead of publicly announced that this was going to be introduced in ET.

But like I said. I have very little motivation to discuss this with an ignorant loudmouth.

Different opinion makes me ignorant? You really are dumb.

That's your mistake right there. Why should it be "introduced" ? it's not something NEW or DISALLOWED. It's just that you and obviously your teams have never done/experienced.

With your point, ET can become even more interesting if EVERY team has a master mind behind it. So why should we not support that? Again, it's not anything new... but you are obviously furious about it.

I destroy every single one of your arguments and then I am ignorant again.
God you people are retarded.
Accept that people have different opinions and then you might learn how to get your head out of your ass for once.
Over and out.
QuoteDifferent opinion makes me ignorant? You really are dumb.

Nope. A different opinion doesn't make you ignorant. Not wanting to see certain facts does.

QuoteThat's your mistake right there. Why should it be "introduced" ? it's not something NEW or DISALLOWED. It's just that you and obviously your teams have never done/experienced.

And that's the fact I'm talking about. For ET it IS new and has never been used, ever. For someone to ask permission from the organization to be allowed on the comms-server to do in-game tactical leading and for the organization to allow this and never mention anything to the rest of the ET scene is simply wrong and unfair. If you can't see that then yes, you are in fact ignorant.

QuoteWith your point, ET can become even more interesting if EVERY team has a master mind behind it. So why should we not support that? Again, it's not anything new... but you are obviously furious about it.

I'm not furious about the idea nor am I furious about anything regarding this. I just do not condone the fact that it's silently allowed instead of introducing it into the ET scene and giving other teams a heads up that it's going to be done by at least 1 team on AEF.

QuoteI destroy every single one of your arguments and then I am ignorant again.
God you people are retarded.

Yeah, I thought you'd love to believe that you destroyed every single one of my arguments and the very fact that you believe that you did makes you very, very ignorant.

You simply differ from opinions and for some fucked up reason you think you have to bring that point across in such an aggressive and demeaning tone.

QuoteAccept that people have different opinions and then you might learn how to get your head out of your ass for once.
Over and out.

Strangely enough that's exactly the advise I have for you.

And after this comment I don't care what you say or if you even have the need to still reply, because I'm not going to anymore.
1. I proved that you have no "facts"
You feel the need to think your "opinion" counts as multiple facts. That's not the case here.

2. Yet again you refuse to state how that is unfair. Just wonderful and I am ignorant...

3. AGAIN. It's not "silently allowed" it's just allowed because it was never DISALLOWED. Get that through your head already. God, if it's so hard for you just think the same way about trickjumping. Is it unfair that some players mastered it while others didn't? Should it be disallowed because you and I can't trickjump as good as sqzz? Is that "silently allowed" as well? No, it's just allowed.

4. The very fact that you think your opinion counts as a "fact" should be enough for me to call you a... well, let's not. Make sure you know how to support your points next time you reply to me. Then you can even think about calling me ignorant.

5. Repeating my lines is also a sign of your "great ability" to support your argument(s).

Let's leave it at that...
To be honest, I would give you some valid counter arguments, but your offensive tone and insults really changed my mind. Shame on you Ronner.
"Life's a bitch aint it"
... M1lk

Shame on you for taking the easy way out imo.
thanks for this entertaining journal ronner :D
The only possible advantage I see is to snyc attacks, but experienced players really don't need that.
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