Brb, buying an iPad

Worth it now, right?
haha now thats awesome :o
but xbox360 is cheaper ;)
ahahha when screen turned black we saw the fat man's face : D
is it that bad?
its a mixture of harris and exceed !
yeah 1000+ usd for a snes!
fat nerd playing nintendo =^.^=
if it had osx and it cost 400 eur it might be worth buying
you could buy like 50 snes for the price of an ipad. also why would you ever use your iphone as a gamepad... touchscreen is bad enough for typing and general usability but a gamepad without tactile response? nice

useless waste of time
but its so cool
I prefer the touch screen for typing, but for gaming I do not, matter of preference really, some people -really- don't care how bad controls are, that includes a loooot of iProduct users
I prefer my QWERTY keyboard for typing, no matter how difficult it is to type on a phone keyboard, it still is way faster than on a touchscreen.
this time, i agree sir
not bad ;)
ás if you couldnt do that with a normal mac aswell......
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