praccing sin #1

for some time i have been marveling at the amount of discussion and denial there's been about which teams are praccing and which arent

team x is praccing more than the other team!!

player from team x: LOL?!!??!?!!? ROFL nice to hear HEHEHEHEEH you prac wayyyyy more

player from team y: LOLLLL last time we pracces was ages ago w/e roflflflflf trolled trolled (whatever the hell trolled means?)

kind of typical to notice over and over :D
idd wtf is this shit?!
oh well..
It's hard to claim you're not praccing when you're seen praccing 8 hours a day

Team prac perhaps no but invidual prac yes, alot

Listen to what F4tal1ty has to say about practicing
same herez
NO ?! you and lan wtf?
you going lan? :O
no, maybe crossfire lan but i have other shit to take care of this summer. this was my last year of school! :P
Noice hope you get what you want =D
[+] rbnt
its just cool to say "we're not praccing at all"
Personally got more respect for praccing teams than for non-praccing teams.
just like "nerds playing on a friday/saturday lolol rofl go out get a life lolol"
they should just paly without offi's for a month
only nerds pracc!!
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