Quote[02:52:48] <@BlindieR`> paskahomo joka luulee et beatles-tukka on vitun makee
[02:52:54] <@Sample> :dd
[02:52:56] <@Sample> onse
[02:53:04] <@BlindieR`> tekis mieli hakata sen lasit paskaks tietsikkapöytää vasten laneil
[02:53:36] <@Sample> tuumasta toimeksi vai miten se slogan meni
[02:53:42] <@Sample> joku pankki?
[02:53:47] <@Sample> evt
[02:53:49] <@BlindieR`> (sillee et pitäisin sen "makeesta surffitukasta" kii ja mättäisin palloa pöytään)

[02:52:48] <@BlindieR`> Hes a fucking gay shit who thinks beatles-hair is cool
[02:52:54] <@Sample> :dd
[02:52:54] <@Sample> It is
[02:53:04] <@BlindieR`> I would like to smash his glasses against a computer desk at lan
[02:53:47] <@Sample> from words to deeds or how did the slogan go
[02:53:49] <@BlindieR`> (I would grab his sweet beatles-hair and smash it against the table)

Meez, be very afraid!
onse = it is!

makes difference
No, it can also mean "he is"
it can but here it mby meant that "beatlestukka on vitun makee -> onse/it is"
He could've also meant that meez is a "paska homo" > He is
or he could have meant that he does not care about it much -> "onse" -> "yah"/"he's/it's something"
mutta sitä ei oo kyseenalaistu joten ois tyhmää siihen lisätä "onse paskahomo" mutta ku beatlestukasta sanotaan "joka luulee" ni siihen on paljon luontevampaa vastata "on se makee"
just /ignore null , eise mitään ymmärrä.
eipä mua keskustelut pahemmin haittaa ;p
ihan sama se mulle on, jos niin paljon haittaa niin tee oma journali vitun pelle
:----------D luuleks et mua kiinnostaa jotku näi huonot jutut? =D kerro tarinas ees oikein :> ps. miten tämä liittyy journalien tekemiseen? =)
voit vaikka miettiä sitä kun sulla ei paljon elämää ole niin aikakaan ei pääse loppumaan kesken (:
Normaalii tulla puhuu elämästä kun et tiedä musta mitään :D teit itsestäsi juuri tyhmemmän mitä kuvittelin sinun olevasi. Mut toki kerro koska oon tyhmä enkä ymmärrä, vaikka minulla olisi 100 vuotta aikaa miettiä moisia. :)
jos käy crossfiressä 365 päivää vuodessa voi alkaa jo vähän katsomaan peiliin
ööööööööööööö? =D käyn toki pari kertaa viikossa crossfiressä, en sen enempää ja paljon vähemmän vielä pelaan tietokonepelejä :)
no hyvä kuulla että sinulla on edes jotain muutakin tekemistä, nyt tilanne ei vaikuta sinun osaltasi niin pahalta
You are wrong!
Hyväksy score.
joku pankki?

Not translate worthy imo

But it's: "Some bank"
i dont get this language :/ its rly weird
he wants to grab his sweet beatles-hair and smash it against the table

image: retard
dont make Finland blindi angry, you wouldnt like him when he is angry...
Keep it up if you are really looking for trouble. :-)
Blind: shitfag who thinks beatles hairstyle is fucking cool
sample: :dd
sample: it is
Blind: tempted to smash his glasses agains a computer table at the LAN
sample: from words to deeds or how did that slogan go
sample: some bank?
sample: dunno
Blind: (it would be in the way that i would be grabin his "awesome surffers hair" and smashing the ball against the table
like such a nerd can scare anyone
watch out for meez's right hook
It is* not He is -,-
null taidat kerjätä verta nenästäs? krp on sun perässä. kuolet viimeistään assyillä
meez puollustaa mua
onko toi scarce? =D se kyl tuli joskus 2006 summer assyil
scarceha se :^)
muistan ku se vines vähä ku sen kohalla vaihtu pöytä just, et siihen tuli sellane pien rako :D sit se oli vähä ihmeissää ku pelasin ihan hyvin :) (pelattiin siis muutamia 3on3:sia oisko ollu desanchesin kanssa)
meez > Blindi + Sample
very well translated shit fag, its like the translation would've been made by 3-year-old cambodhian with quadriplegia and dyslexia, well done. now everyone thinks you're damn cool posting irclogs (which is worth atleast warning points according to crossfire rules)

fucking stupid newschool fintard coming to #krp.et and talking retarded shit, getting banned and then begging to get unbanned. afterwards posting random irc-logs in order to look cool. you're one piece of fucked up wannabe shit who will never be anything on either online or in real life. fuck off.

+ Member For: 1 month and 27 days <- to me it looks like you are some random .fi cheater making come-back under other alias. hope zulu immigrants will abuse your parents sexually and cut their heads of and put em on sticks and carry them threw your neighborhood in order to warn people what will happen if you give birth to twisted-minded brain-crippled granny-rapists that only make harm to our pure sociaty.

Chief Officer KRP - Over 'n Out.
u mad? now meez will kick your ass at the next lan
u won't go to the LAN or u don't have the balls to face blindi? or neither? =D
only nerds go to lans. I mean who would pay 1000$ to play computer games out of country :D
1000 us. dollars? it cost's around 500e to go to enchede and it pay's for everything (weed, shroomz, alcohol, food n sleeping place(s))

Also, u think people go there for the LAN and the games? Are u dumb or what the fuck?
i wouldnt waste the money nor the precious time of my life. And the other things you said ((weed, shroomz, alcohol) it's much more fun to do them with friends than unknown nerds
Clearly u do not understand anything. Come back when u are over 15 years old and seen atleast a bit of the world.
nor do you so i'll just ignore you now, cba to read your retarded comments

and yeah you've must seen the world.. trough your bedroom window so just shut up, your making a retard out of yourself
Actually u are making a retard out of yourselve :)
that was a really nice comeback, you wise, wise man
but like i said im just gonna ignore you, have a nice life
"nor do you so i'll just ignore you now, cba to read your retarded comments" why didn't u already? As I said, you are making a retard out of yourselve.

Thanks, I'm going to have a businawreck life :>
They obviously go there for the games, cos you can do all the other stuff at home for at least 5x less money =)
idiot, it's great fun if you are friends with the people you are going with. Even if you never met them before.

I was completly drugged due to a recent operation, but I still had loads of fun.
Finally, it was worth reading this journal.
taz should be in charge of communication....he is funnier:(
freedom of speech, motherfucker - leave me alone.
thats more like it<3
taz wanabe fuck off
image: 30236_1452158634515_1549745599_1133894_1296819_n

problem officer?

dont be mad ;( have a rose motherfucker =D
> fin threatening to hurt you at lan
> fin hurt you at lan
> fin at lan

tell that to blindi at lan, face to face
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