Brazilian Joseph Fritzl

QuoteBrazilian Fritzl ‘had 7 kids’ with imprisoned daughter

QuoteIn a case reminiscent of Austrian incest father Josef Fritzl, a woman in a remote fishing village in Brazil has been freed by police after being imprisoned and repeatedly raped by her father for 12 years, during which she bore him seven children.

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image: LiveImages%5CFoto%20Haber%5C575%5C%C4%B0srail%27in%20sildi%C4%9Fi%20Foto%C4%9Fraflar%5CScreenHunter_67%20Jun.%2005%2023.27
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so he tied the record...
thx bro :P couldnt have done it without you <3
So he recorded the tie.
So the tie recorded him...
cool stuff.

I also like how jews and muslims kill each other

and turkey @ EU would be a fucking joke

4th world country
Haha, that video of the so called "weaponry" on the ship is so fuckin pathetic and humiliating for those Israel-jews.

Haha, they do not only regard cutlery and tools you find on every ship and in EVERY MOTHERFUCKIN GARAGE in the world as weapons, no, they also regard toys for kids (small catapults and those little balls (in dutch it's called "knikkers") as weapons.

Haha, "how to embarass yourselves in front of everybody in the world in 50 seconds".
Yeah, sure, they really found knives and iron bars in the Rachel Corrie's ship as apart of a self defense.
so basically you're trying to say that the jews killed jesus?
They found knives and iron bars because that's stuff you find on every ship.
Let me inform you, that there were no gas masks, sticks with Hamass sticks, iron rods, slingshots, shock grenades, Molotov cocktail and knifes, in the Rachel Corrie's aid ship last week.
Seriously, go study some english because I have no fuckin clue what you're actually saying.
Oh lovely, another one who is out of arguments, so his last resort is to just whine.
Out of arguments? We having a discussion then? You just don't wanna accept the truth, which is that Israeli's are retarded when it comes to Palestina.
I just want to know why Rachel Corrie's ship had none of the items listend above, as you state, these items are found in every ship.
I have no fuckin idea what Rachel Corrie's ship is. All I know is that in the video you posted, they didn't show any grenades or molotov cocktails.

The rest of your list:

- Gas masks are no weapons, so no idea why you mention them.
- Sticks with Hamas sticks. Awesome weapons, wooden sticks.
- Iron rods. You mean iron bars? The ship is made of fuckin iron and they (Israeli army guys I assume) used some kind of steeelcutter to cut an iron bar in the clip, so not all that difficult to make a few extra weapons that your enemy supposedly carried with them on the ship. If you consider iron bars as weapons ofcourse.
- knifes are part of cutlery and tools. A few pocketknifes prolly belonging to sailors are also to be seen, but a LOT of grown men have pocketknifes so that doesn't mean anything.
- slingshots, they look like toys for little boys. The fact that there's "Hamas" written on it doesn't mean anything, it's most likely some form of adverts.

Let's discuss the weapon arsenal of the Israeli oppression, will you start please? :-)
Ahh sorry then. Rachel Corrie was an aid ship, the same as Mavi Marama. It happened last week. The same actions were taken, only this time it was a normal aid ship. It's the differences between ship with terrorists and ship with peace activists. Read about the ship, it only happened last week.
haha weaponary overview pwns 8D judegang killed with spoons and forks !
he so cool have daughter to have wife xDD
weaponry hahahahaha :DDDDDDDDDDD
thanks for the vid :D
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