Most random headshot ever.

Random lolshot I want to share with you my dear friends. Hope you enjoy it.


image: nig_ger
you are is my idol :P
go for the learn english!
go for the learn zeh funnies!
you didnt get my funniez :'{
nice shootin' Tex
Aaaahahahaha I get it!!!
why did you shoot only when he went behind the wall :D
Slow reactions?
lagspike as you see :)
nice kevlar joke there m8
Nice shot, and nice joke man.

Looking forward to your next journal!
where is a joke? ;x i want to laugh too
image: nig_ger

Funny screen I meant!
haha rofl :D The only thing bad in ET is hitboxes!
ehm, ET has pretty much best hitboxes of the all fps-games, thanks to antilag. the only flaw is the sometimes hitboxless neck :) but who would shoot the neck anyway if you could shoot the head!
More like the headhitbox is gone sometimes than "hitboxless neck". And tbh I don't really think ET hitboxes are better than in most games, just the average.
b_realhead -1 on your server, and examine yourself what headboxes does :p antilag makes the difference!
Right, add packet loss n maxpackets n other stuff to that. Also I bet I've played way more FPS games than you, online, and on LAN. I don't mean to be arrogant, but I just can say ET hitboxes suck :( Cheaters aren't anything to me (if they don't bot with 70% acc) :I Or atleast that was a few years ago lol
well that might be true, i've mostly heard rumours about how other games are somewhat unplayable with higher ping, for example. guess we dont value the same thing about hitboxes as i think they're just about perfect. atleast if the player is wise enough to know about spread and stuff and not whine about hitboxes ._.
Nice playing CoD4 MOD on ET.
now that shot didnt have anything to do with luck :D nobody however havent shot more random headshot than i have, guess that's the only thing im best at!
if I were the axis guy I wud have whined to hell srsly
Thats how I usually get headshots, nothing impressive Samplem8. :)
thats so true ^^.)
NIG 0-0 GER :D
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