My new toy

Good morning. I'm writing this journal as a bit of a review, for people who consider buying a low-cost mini-pc / htpc for themselves. I started to search for an alternative option to watch high definition -movies and listen to music aside from my desktop computer, which was hooked up with my lcd via long hdmi-cable and 3,5mm stereo-plug back in my last apartment. When I moved - I just couldn't use the same option anymore because the distance between these devices grew too much and I didn't want to drill holes to the walls anymore. So the hunt for a perfect replacement began...

After reading dozens of reviews of bunch of different kind of devices, I found this. Very sexy-looking small pc packed with impressive specs and promises. After watching and reading every single review you can find via Google, I decided to get one. Ordered the beauty and got it 2 days ago. The price - 350€. I already had Logitech's marvelous MK710 keyb/mouse -set.

I installed Windows XP SP2 and updated it to the max. Microsoft Security Essentials to guard, Mozilla for browsing and MPC-HC for video playback (K-Lite codec pack installed). After doing some system-wide optimizations I was ready to run some tests:

- Local 720p/1080p videos > very smooth and nice playback.
- Youtube HD > lagging with current Flash but after installing 10.1 beta (gpu acceleration) and updating display drivers > very smooth and nice playback.

The Atom-processor can handle sites with lots of flash-content easily (some people said it wouldn't) and Nvidia ION helps with video playback. What the processor can't handle perfect - is heavy multitasking. Gaming is out the question as well, at least with the new and popular titles. But for your everyday internets and videos it's perfect.

I'm very much in love with my new toy and I've completely moved from the usual nerd-spot to my comfortable sofa (which annoys my girlfriend as she'd like to watch the tv sometimes). But for now I'm the man that can't be moved.
HDMI cable from pc to tv too much?
Not too much but impossible with the distance between these two being too long.
looks pretty nice... but it doesnt support blueray discs, does it? :<
I was thinking of buying a laptop once I finally got a new tv, this looks like another nice option at a lower price though.
There is a Bluray-version as well, it raises the price into 500€ though.


Edit: Oh and there's a totally new version coming out next month I believe - with Intel i3/i5/i7 processors. A major power-boost.

ASRock Core100HT-BD
hmmm probably not worth the price difference as I would download the movies anyway and not burn them, let alone buy a blueray... even if it takes ages to download hd movies :D

but this is like a real stand-alone pc? I can browse interwebs, install vent/ts etc? haha naiz, then I could nerd in my livingroom!
Yes, this is a real pc in smaller package. You can do everything you do with your current PC.
thanks for sharing, I've been looking for a similar device aswel will consider this one when I win the pricemoney at AEF.
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