World Cup Opening Ceremony

Compared to the Chinese Olympic Ceremony, this is fucking awful.

My primary school plays were more co-ordinated.
just wait :x
Oh god great minds think alike. I was gonna write a journal just like this. It's fucking awful!
What? It's brilliant.
You have seen nothing yet. Just wait till the football starts ...
You do realise this journal is about the Opening Ceremony and not the football ...
I know... I was implying that the football will be even worse :)
i can guess it will be the best theatre play this year....
why not to just play that game instead of that 2 hours of something useless?
boring - .-
chinese eyes help make better xD
well hard to compare afrika with china -.-
i hope you do know this is afrika? the world's poorest continect?
I like how the vuvuzelas are overpowering most of the music.
it was awsome :) fuck the chinese shitfaces who just wanted to childporn us
by they way, at least there's no Windows error blue screen just like in China.
China threw an estimated $45bn at the Olympics (a 2 week event). South Africa are spending around $1bn on the World Cup (a 4 week event).
Having a half empty stadium for the showpiece ceremony has nothing to do with tournament funding
I'm not watching it, to be fair. But it has a bit to do with it - Beijing everything was (expensively) stage-managed and arranged in advance by (expensive) PR consultants. In South Africa they're not paying for that.
Apparently the roads were completely blocked due to the immense interest. People were leaving their cars on the road due to traffic jams and went by foot.
They expected it to be a quiet affair then?
No but there's not much you can do when South Africans are overexcited...
No, but they didn't have the money to build better roads ;)
So why are they hosting the World Cup?
I know the official justification, I'm playing devils advocate.
Yeah, so am I. Guess the devil is arguing with himself?
My devil earns more than your devil.
If no major accidents happen, if the matches are exciting and if the people are happy then this world cup will have been a success.
The host doesn't affect the quality of the football. I love the World Cup, it'll always be amazing, but the host country has so much influence outside the 90 minutes.

I've three friends in South Africa right now and theyre finding the orgnisation surrounding transport woeful.
All tickets for today's matches have been sold, quite a few people were standing outside during the ceremony.
dont compare to the Chinese Olympic Ceremony ..
its fkin africa dude >.>
It was great imo. A good balance of elementariness and show. Fuck the perfectionism and pompousness of China.

There were just 2 problems - the missing crowd at the beginning and the terrible sound @ TV.
Didnt like it, was okay, could have been better, but comparing it to olympic games(and chinese in this case) is just lol
comparing it to China is just lol
R. Kelly can't mime for shit.
Firstly China has a buckload of money to throw at it, which luckily didn't happen here.
Secondly, the difference between China and RSA is that China had something to prove to the world, they had to show that they are the most disciplined country in the world. South Africa on the other hand take this opportunity as one big celebration, and then it doesn't matter if it's perfectly synced or not. It was emotional and a perfect warmup for the entire event. I'm happy it wasn't like China.
Even when you don't compare it to China it was still a shit show.
Please what? It was shit.
I didn't think so at all.
Well I don't care about what you think nanana
who cares tbh

if the football is good -> everyone happy
Dnzl has spoken.

This journal is now closed.
uch !

Need seaking picture !
It was pretty ok, but kinda sloppy, random dancing and shit, I liked the vibe and atmosphere though =)

Got a doctors appointment right when the first match starts =(
the computercompany can call me each minute to go and pick up my new pc, it's a 45 min drive

gg :<
And they won't still be there 2 hours later? :(
it's 15 o'clock here atm, the shop closes at 18 so well, not much choice once they call tbh :P
indeed,such a disgrace
the chinese breed people accordings to their needs.
ofc they are niggers
you english are awful
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