
hey guys i saw they have a "ET Squad" again but angelDust closed in 2006
and after having a chat with BinBash on ICQ they say its still closed.

so i just wanted to let you know; this is not ____REAL___ aD* ^^

(aD|VAPOR) low is low

i agree

so if you havent speak to binbash, kampfi or Cyberninja please change your name and stop using the name of the german powerclan. and the most funny thing is .. you ain`t even german
Angeldust to the second with the tag "aD²" imo

we also made a really cool abreviaton of one4one tbh!

image: Smiley+%3DD
two4two, original poseidon is original <3:D
yea really cool :PPP hahah cool mate :PPP
your English is awful

and I don't give a fuck about the rest tbh
i dont care fuck you n00b
its about newschoolers faking/taking the name because of the past teams fame.
FUCK YOU...i had urge to post this pic all day and now you stole my cookies!
lol binbash still alive? :-)
yes :>
don`t know if he still plays computer, last time i saw him was a mixed with GameFoundation ^^
goooooooooood old times. theyy shouldnt open old clans if they cant challenge with old teams. same for idle, 141 etc
idle sucks hard...
pls OLD idle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i agree with everything you just said :}
ofc u do. :)
yep i mean
of course abortion should be legal
and a woman's place is in the kitchen only

you are a marvel example of a real woman
computer in kitchen? hmm
women shouldnt surf the internet
look the spam she create :{D
how could i forget. idd! thx for add
What is the real aD?
They had like million squads or lineups.

But i agree further. I wouldnt like people to take my name either.
Binbash, Kampfi, kiNko, Willstar, Snew, vEg, sLaz, Hix, mirro, weedy, raSen, _shy, kraftwerk .. and probaly some more (all i remember in the first 5 seconds)

This was the first and most pro squad of AngelDust.

Afterward i just remember an ET squad of AngelDust with rauzki, spirea, Allu, toxic, mize, rbnt ... dont know who else. But after this AngelDust didnt had any further squads, because they closed the clan. And now i wanted to merc on IRC and some wannabe be with AngelDust tag calling me newschooler :P
Those are newschool lineups aswell. Sorry to dissapoint you :>
all those name stealers than!
Well the "real aD" was closed in 2006. So im really wondering how can there be any further squads? I even spoke to the founder and he is saying AngelDust is out of gaming scene since 2007!
they just liked the name?
I dont understand it why people would take name from another team. And surely not from an average team.
zenix remembers the first one. He is oldschooler aswell.
Looks like he doesn't. :)
He is oldschooler don't doubt him!
right 5943!
Don't doubt me! I remember them, remembering is something else that knowing them. I remember the team, not the all the names. I am nr 594, sssh!
Just because you registered kind of early on this community doesn`t mean you have clue about the german scene very much, since you posted some links of teams playing in 2009.
So sorry to make you look stupid but you have obviously no fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about since binbash the founder of angeldust even said that the clan is out of the gaming scene since 2007. its existed for 10 fucking years from 97 - 07 .. so just you have been around in this community page since 2005 doesn`t mean you know what you are talking about, there were other community sites were those clans were around like (
I just posted some examples of teams that used the name. I didnt say that was the old team did i? So 3 teams stole that name in. But nobody ever thought about stealing gunslingers. Because that name is respected unlike angeldust. I have been around from 2003. This site exist longer than the system you could see how long someone is registered. I remember planetwolfenstein swertcw etc.
And i am not german, so i dont know that much like you ofc. But i remember playing plan-B with pk rodo kraftwerk and some others cant remember all those names they where austrian or german. I would be a big nerd if i would remember all names from german clans. And no offence, but angeldust didnt belong to the best ET clans in that time. Else i would have remembered all those names. Angeldust played in the same opencup that i played in they ended second they didnt even play eurocup that season. I won 3rd league in opencup if you want too know it for sure.
Sorry, to crush your dreams about angeldust being that good. And further, i didnt play any games before ET. And i didnt really care further for just average team. And they played one eurocup but failed hard. And after that they played opencup premier again, and didnt leave groupstage. They never made a big impression.

Also the aD that is playing today the namestealers, is superior to the old one. If you had any clue about the scene today.
You dont get my point at all. Im not saying you suck or something. Im not saying we were the best clan ever. Its just our name is retired so i am wondering how people claim to be in aD :>

Useless to go on, the community changed. Have a nice day. Cu :>
Quotestop using the name of the german powerclan

lol wat? the name angeldust is fucked up for years already and can hardly get any worse.
Sorry i haven`t been around much since the last 3 years ^^

My last information was that AngelDust closed back in 2007.
I can notice.
+1 And lol @ about powerclan. Not even close.
In the german scene, aD was pretty overpowered compared to other teams. Say what you want but the game was different you can`t compare today and 2004.
true, everybody was shit in 2004
maybe im a bit late, but i want to say that i was proud to be in the team. ;)

snEwb is right, dont use our clantag :>
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