sup with offside mexico goal

there was defender standing at goal line yes?

did i miss something
Ye so what? It doesn't matter whether keeper or outfield player.

image: OffsideTrap

Cleary offside as there is still one player between goal and ball - the keeper. In this case it was an outfield player.
oke thanks :D

e: well actually still dont get it :( but i hope i learn soccer rules
If there are 2 players (f example keeper + defender) between you and the goal you arent offside, if there is only 1 player (for example a defender) between you and the goal, you stand offside
oh now that was clear

Gender: Female

If keeper is infront of the ball there needs to be two fieldplayers after him instead of just one.
Rofl, wat :)

boring game so far >:
its a weird rule but its not offside
the rule is 2 players, not 1
go back to the kitchen :)
Haven't seen that EVER before, is it something new or just a rare thing?
Just rare. It's like that since "lifetime". A very good way to fuck up your opponents @ fifa by charging the keeper all the time.
Haha, okay :D

Makes sense now I think properly about it though.
rare thing but great job by the ref :)
yeah.. hes doing great till now
the first yellow card was a bit wierd imo
that rule is retarted,it should only count for goalkeepers and not for regular if another guy was standing at the post (which would probably change nothing at all) it would have been a goal
wat? the rule is quite logic tbh
it's retarted tbh,if the gk was the player on the line it alright,but if the gk comes out of his goal and misses the ball it should count offside,he could hgave stayed in goal
that makes no sense at all sir
you dont get it
Did you play the game (competetively?
I did, therefor I think this rule is logic
you must be kiddin
tits or gtfo!
its cuz the goalkeeper was in front of the last mexican attacker
uhm no, its because there was only 1 south-african player left between the mexican attacker and the goal

this just happend to be the case because the goalkeeper was in front of the mexican attacker, your explanation will only confuse ppl
Nice goal lol
true, nice assist aswell
Typical woman.
Yup, South Africa suprised me in a positive way. That Modise is a pretty good player.

Mexico was pretty dissapointing though.
tbh all south africa did was catenaccio with 10 men and 1 fast player up front.they did it pretty well though but else mexico was far better (the game was abit like inter-barca)
They were defensive, but not catenaccio style. Anyway, that they didn't lose is a positive surprise on it's own :-)
yes thats true,anyway they were _pretty_ defensive ,which was actually the right thing against mexico,but they didnt suprise with great gamestyle though
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