a noob question about /killing.....

..../bind mouse5 kill; forcetapout

why "forcetapout"? i always thought, its for the reason that i can also use my bind to tap out (like if i am wound and then press "space").

BUT its not working. so i read in some forum that "focetapout" was in the oldschool, when /kill was not totally kill yourself, but only wound (so you had to press "space"...)
-> i`ve never heard about that shit before, but i cant say ofc, i didnt play ET back then.

so to clear all up would be nice, but also tell me, how can i use my /kill bind to tapout actually? i go into full when i fight too long and get wound on 1 or so.....

works for me (when i'm revivable)
bind mouse3 "kill;forcetapout"
i see what u did there
when u normally die, there's a delay before when u tap out to go to limbo.
if u use forcetapout, it's instant, no delay.

so with this bind, i no longer tap out with spacebar, and use kill;forcetapout to both kill out, and tapout if im shot.

it's just so u can make quick tapouts faster.
forcetapout is just needed incase you want to kill yourself but already get shot while doing so, so you do not then have to switch between your kill button and "space" and probably miss the spawn because of it
forcetapout is for the tapout, tho i dont think you can use it to bind it without /kill

"kill;forcetapout" gibs you instantly, maybe you forgot the " "
ah ye, that can be (since you can do /bind x kill without " ")

thanks man!

and btw, if you mean unearth the band,... <3 ;P
set this nick ages ago :D i still like them anyways

love em as well.

they`re the reason im gonna buy a new 7 string x)
6strings for me :) never wanted to play their music, tho i like it

which 7string? :o
there is no forcetapout in rtcw so there it's impossible to not get full when you get a grenade in your face and go flying :) that's why it's useful :P
+moveup works just as good in rtcw as forcetapout works in ET.
Still not as fast as forcetapout
well if I remember correctly there was an fps and wait workaround for that, atleast back at the start of rtcw.
actually there is: space
its just not bindable i suppose, binding +moveup could be a try tho
Still not as fast as forcetapout
/forcetapout gibs yourself, simple as that. If it's not working, you must not have placed quote marks (") properly.

bind <key> "kill;forcetapout"
uhm, it works. The only glitch I have with it, is that sometimes when I am using it with just some ms left to spawntime I get max + the cameraview freezes where I killed rather than follow team.
same here, happens quite a lot to me tbh :(
just like it says

when you tap, you are giving up reviving

so thats forcetapout ;D
I use forcefapout :|
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