trolls got trolled

troll.spaki: who should i kick
DwightSchrute: yourself
Dwightschrute has been kicked
/ws 999999999

image: borat

I didnt notice I was still trying to connect (minimized)
image: 2ccx7k3
I laugh out loud
You laugh out loud
He/She/It laughs out loud
We laugh out loud
You laugh out loud
They laugh out loud
and now the imperative
Laugh out loud!
":}D" you want me to troll him in order to make him take off "troll" from his nickname?
I guess I already made him do that. Told him he didnt know who he was dealing with.

image: 1554e-thugs
What a shit server if it can be crashed using /ws 9999999999

the combinedfixes.lua is there for a reason
u crash servers with this command?
Only Polish servers
servers without lua
I'm seriously sick and tired of these fucking retards trolling crossfire 24-fucking-7. The amount of completely useless shitty journals here nowadays is utterly absurd. Could the admins PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS TRASH. No one cares about your "heheheehe im such a pro tr0l0l0ll0ll" - journals 5 times a day. Just fuck off and do something productive.

Vote MarseilleFrancis and your dream will become real.
+1 man, these wannabe trolls are so boring, they dont go on 4chan because they would be owned hard so they spam here :E
true true true
protip: go to /mu/ and post a picture of an aeroplane flying over the sea
Teh Interwebs, 12-06-2010

Geachte heer Tom,

U heeft wellicht vernomen dat Lars veel eet. Hij heeft dan ook obesitas. Ik ga daarom nu dan ook naar de Supermarkt om hem te voorzien van kaassoufflés, kroketten en patat.
Ik hoop U hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd. Ik zie dan ook onze samenwerking voorspoedig tegemoet.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Koen (baas)
typo en ja hoe weet je dat :DDDDD
Ik ben net wezen hardlopen, tering hooikoorts :\
ik wil je msn niet eens!

bis lati
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