Capello proves his worth once again. Doesn't England have a proper GK?

E: No, they don't.
i agree, hart is an amazing keeper but.....HAHAHA FUCKIN ROON EE!!
Didn't he have a really good season with City? Yet Capello puts Green in the starting eleven, hilarious.
his team were facing relegation battle aswell, no wonder why
epic goal :DDDDD
fail is fail..
english goalkeepers are simply the best... always been :DDD

epic shit :D
seaman was decent!
just an amazing shot by ronaldinho nothing to do with seaman. :)
fucking brilliant!!
epic fail
no and thats why they are so shit if they had a better keeper they wud do much better!
Não têm melhor de qq maneira.. Retardado do caralho
Isso pensas tu, o Capello é que é um selecionador de merda.
diz-me um melhor -.- ensiname a jogar LoL btw
Joe Hart. E não. :DD
ai é? tass vai-te foder fdx :(
made me sad >:
Hahaha I yelled so hard omg.
new Scottish hero.
poor man ;'(
joe hart!!!!!!!!!
poor guy

he looked so sad :(
England needs more balls and 'staches

image: seama250
fucking shit !
rooney has to shoot 2 goals now

i dont want to lose 15 euros ;(
Yeah but blame the coach for only announcing who was going to be on goal 2 hours before the match :S
They are professionals so they should be ready for it.
You must be watching a different game as I havent heard them say england are the best in the world?
Yes and my team is playing in the WC but yours is not so I understand your bitterness.
Oooops haha!
Oh so its changed from claiming to be the best to claiming we are good? Oh and as of the 26th of May Fifa ranked us 8th in the world so I would say that was good.
i was actually reaching for the remote control to turn off the volume , as i could not put up with any more of the utter blindness of the wanky english "well its only a matter of time till we score another goal as we rock" commentary, when Mr.Green blundered wonderfully , and i actually turned it up to listen to the whine.... im sure i could hear crying. loved it. up yer arse england, hope you get fucked out in the first round.

yes, theres no scotland in the world cup, which is a good thing, as we dont deserve to be there and itll save a nation getting hangovers to drown our sorrows as we get pumped.... but the hilarious thing is , england actually think theyre going to win the world cup. now THATS just hilarious, and im really looking forward to watching the games to see and listen to the shit they come up with when they fail. badly.
hahahaha i was thinking exactly the same ! its like some magical english bubble they live in.... arseholes.
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