Joe Hart

So Rob Green fucked up, to the max.

You're Capello ... you have to make a change ... but Joe Hart?

Consider this a direct 'fuck you' to everybody who has posted demanding Joe Hart. How many of you have actually watched him play this season? And when I say play this season, I mean, watched him play for 90 minutes, regularly.

I don't mean Match of the 'hype-every-young-English-player-by-not-showing-their-bad-moments' Day highlights.

I'm not the biggest fan of David James, but Green can not (imo) start the next game. Backs against the wall, we can't take an unnecessary risk.

Whos watching football anyways?
most of the people around here
Für gays : <
i dont think that drinking beer while watching football is gay
Why do you need football for drinking beer?
natural habit for men
Dont be so sure, party is better uportunity to drink then football.
its all becuz of the new ball!
Stupid English press will destroy Green. Should get confidence now.
Defoe should play as well I think.. English attack was so dreadful.. lol.
Dunno what it is with English keepers.. even the supposed old hero David Seaman was shit imo.
itt random fan thinking that his opinion and his knowledge about football and the english roster is greater than a experienced & professional trainer
Joe Hart defo, if you want to field a team that wants to win the final, you cannot play with a GK that cannot save teh simplest of passes, and this was vs USA, imagine if it were vs Germany or Brazil or Spain.....

Lampard did nothing in midfield
Rooney was out of the game since england played shit, rooney was playing left midfield for some reason.
SWP was LOL, falling in his own feet, i'd replace him with Joe cole.
Lennon was nothing special either, final ball was shit.

Gerrard was the only guy who played well
Consider this a direct 'fuck you' to everybody who has posted demanding Joe Hart. How many of you have actually watched him play this season? And when I say play this season, I mean, watched him play for 90 minutes, regularly.

I don't mean Match of the 'hype-every-young-English-player-by-not-showing-their-bad-moments' Day highlights.
all 3 GKs are shit, both green and james got their chance and fucked up, so why not give the deserved chance to Joe Hart? This season he was the most consistent keeper in the EPL, why shouldn't he be given a chance?
Thank you for completely IGNORING my comment.

If you had actually watched him play this season you'd know he wasn't the most consistant.

I would stay and chat but I believe the band wagon is coming into your station.
dont forget Shaun Wright-Phillips. the nignog is shooting like a pussy
SWP = shaun wright phillips :D
oh nvm then :3 idd
Verrard played good because he is a Liverpool player
Carragher is a liverpool player, and he didn't play well, he almost broke the guys leg in 1 tackle, lucky that he didn't get red carded
Rooney did good imo. Lennon and Heskey were just massive fail.
Lennon ruined so many attacks and Heskey was basically aiming at the keeper instead of the goal.

They really need a better attacker and attacking midfielder.
heskey is not supposed to score a goal, he's just on the field to be the bitch for rooney! :XD
If he was, pretty limited role and he wasn't even good at it.
I would start James. He played well pulling off good saves vs Japan in the half he played. But then again he is capable of fucking up just as much as green.
all english goalkeepers are funny and mistakes are normal (by english goalkeepers) xD
Should have taken Paul Robinson ?
I think they should stick with Green tbh - yes, he made a mistake, but he's a good goalie and the best of our options. It'd destroy him for the future if he was pulled now - he just needs to have a good game to get his confidence back.
The same was said with Carson and Foster tbh, they were given more than one chance after their famous blunders and made more howlers after that (imo). It would be reasonable to stick with Green, but knowing Capello's GK choice dilemma, it could have been the final straw for Green, only reason i see Green in the next 2 matches is because it's versus Slovenia and Algeria, and they aren't good teams.
lol keep dreaming, slovenia will get to semi finals
Thats the problem with being a goalie... one mistake and you're screwed.
Need GIF of cro vs eng goalie fail...
green is a good keeper, just a bit of bad luck today. capello should stick with him in goal seeing as we've played the hardest opponent in the group and let him get his confidence back against teams we should win against with ease.
Should've taken Shay Given.
they will stick with green, but that was obviously a really bad mistake since the shot by dempsey was pretty weak. according to capellos way of leading a team with discipline, he will stick with the same lineup most likely as he doesn't want to disturb the drains within the team.

still england will proceed to the last 16, but that's it. they will get knocked out in the playoffs pretty fast.
my opinion it wantn't ONLY greens fault!
after 1st goal england played poorly xd ..only rooney played powerful was simply an incredibly shitty match

..rly low/- ! xD

and next match they sould choose joe hart as keeper
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