sad day for et community

So yesterday we were watching football with jyrkz,mant and subb, since it was too booring at subbs place we went to some of his friends place, (really nice guy- who looks like nani :P honestly -pro) .. and watched football there, yes we saw that worlds most ugliest goal by USA, it was terrible, and this sad goalkeeper.. huh, anyway after that we wanted to drink, there were many gayboys in the apartment,they were all like skinny jeans and shit, i dont know what was worse their style or that goal :D so they asslicked pretty hard, there were some nice girls aswell, but u gamerz, dont igve a shit about em aiiight :D? .. but party kinda sucked since we drank em gayboys wodka and they were too pussys to say anything about it, we were there for some time but party was pretty much sucking hard.. so after that we were pretty hungry + i said i have work tomorrow and we started to walk home trough the cold streets of tallinn, it was pretty funny and chill walk actually since we were all littlebit wasted,we didnt see any russians which meant- no fighting that night, we ate burger, me and mant got the biggest burger of all time, i couldnt even eat mine till the end, subb helped, thats called teamwork noobs, learn, mant just threw half away, what a noob.. so i had to get up early to catch the bus and go to work, subb said yes yes im gonna wake u up noprob, so i wake up in the morning, clock is 7:42, megahangover, everyone sleeps like pussys, my wakeup call obviously didnt work out, and my work starts at 8 o clock.. so i catch the bus 7:54, and was too 10 mins too late for work :D + i have hangover which means this is the saddest day and ill drink water whole day
So conclusion, dont drink wodka and beer, it may have bad affects to your future plans, thanks for reading my cool story, mant,subb,and jyrkz are prolly still sleeping, fuckers :D and for you all the lonely nerds out there, why do you suck so much balls? i might make a comeback soon to ET btw since they remnded me yesterday that there are so much terrible players left besides me :D:P anyway and subb didnt have hacks on his computer, altho i wanted him to send the hax for me :P ok thanks for reading, if u dont like this story, click here
if u dont like this song either
you are probably homosexual :P
sounds boring tho :<

Just finished playing grandia, 9 hours :3



why no watch proleague? Jaedong rolled, Flash got rolled, it was perfect
Wanted to catch my sister up on it, she's only 1 boss away and has played 25 hours, I'm matching her level, with more moves, at 14 hours :)
cool story
e: my day was like: went to a ceremony of a mate yesterday morning, after went to home, owned some noobs @ tm and go to her house cuz there was a party, but we didn't like it cuz of lot of 'old' men and stuff, so we bring up the idea of making a camp out with 10 friends, so we get some aqua-vitae and a little vodka(which sucked but who cares), made campfire with some wierd stuff which was like gas and with straw so that was cool, 3 friend made a joint and they smoked it, one of them got a k.o., but we really think he was just acting, after went to sleep around 2-3 hr, but after 30 mins in the tent was like 40° so i went out without any pullover, the fucking mosquitos didn't like me and it was a little cold, but i give a shit about it, sleep for 30 mins there, after one of my tentmate went to home(she's living in the neighbor so that was cool, i've got enough place to sleep, there isn't so hot there so i sleep till 6 hr,after we talked till 9, we pack up and go to home, now i'm gonna to take a bath
Quotedont drink wodka and beer

did it once, never gonna do it again
image: wowkid
cool story bro
you are so nice
Didn't read lol!
short version needed
he went to lan, drank too much lemonade, fucked his buddy, went to cybergames and then he went to bed
woke up @ 5 cuz he ate too much sugar
Thanks I appreciate.

At least hit enter a couple of times, geez.
good read, you should start your own blog!!
sa oled mad :}DDDDDDDD
A wall of text. Didn't bother reading.
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